



Ace Combat: 10 Million Sold

Ace Combat: 10 Million Sold


There aren’t a whole lot of flight sims left in the video game market these days, which is a shame because nothing gets your adrenaline flowing quite like shooting down enemy planes to epic Top Gun -style music.

The most notable flight sim left flying around is Ace Combat. Recently, NAMCO Bandai said that the Ace Combat series has managed to surpass ten million in sales since its debut on consoles in 1995, making it the most popular flight sim in modern times.

In addition, the Ace Combat Assault Horizon demo has been downloaded over 1.2 million times since it launched on the XBLA and PSN three weeks ago, showing that we could add yet another million in sales to that figure once it launches next week.

Assault Horizon does away with the anime-style plots the Ace Combat series has had in the past, instead going for a more realistic, almost Call of Duty-esque aesthetic. That being said, the music and action is still as awesome as ever. So if you are a fan of the Ace Combat series, check out Assault Horizon as soon as it comes out.

I played this one at E3, and I doubt you’ll be disappointed.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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