



PS4 / Xbox One Pre-orders for GTA V are Slowing Down

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PS4 / Xbox One Pre-orders for GTA V are Slowing Down

As reported by VentureBeat on Friday, June 27, analyst Doug Creutz from the research firm Cowen and Company has stated that the firm has come to believe that pre-orders for the Xbox One and PlaySation 4 versions of Rockstar Games’ big addition to the Grand Theft Auto series, Grand Theft Auto V , have slowed down noticeably.

According to VentureBeat, Creutz said that the firm was initially projecting current-gen sales for Grand Theft Auto V to reach between eight and 10 million, but the original estimates have since been revised downward.

Since after this year’s E3, pre-orders for Grand Theft Auto V have gone down to single-digit millions compared to Cowen’s original projections.

Creutz’ analysis is based on Cowen’s Ordometer, which tracks videogame pre-orders in the US and then projects the result of the sales after said pre-ordered game is launched. The Ordometer is backed by six years of Amazon bestseller data and NPD Group’s reported sales of games

The Ordometer itself measures weekly increments of data for Xbox and PlayStation platforms following the conclusion of E3’s annual event right up until the end of the year.

As it currently stands, Grand Theft Auto V has ranked sixth place on Cowen’s Ordometer, which has succeeded in ascending order by FarCry 4 , Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare , Assassin’s Creed Unity , Halo: The Master Chief Collection , and Destiny .

Pre-orders for Grand Theft Auto V became available following its current-gen and PC announcement as this year’s E3 event , during Sony’s press conference. The PC port of the game is said to “ take full advantage of the power of the PC, ” according to its entry on Steam.

[ VentureBeat ]

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