The name Alan Wake has come up in my life over and over again, as it rightly should. It’s a fantastic game that has a massive following of players who absolutely adore it. I even have a friend who created his pro-wrestling persona based on the game. (Hey, Aiden Wake !). Needless to say all of us who enjoy the game, know it, and love it have a collective sadness to share. The game is going to be completely removed from all digital stores, meaning Steam and Xbox Live, on May 15.
There was apparently a very short licensing period on the music contained within Alan Wake , which has now run out. The developers, Remedy, are looking into getting the music re-licensed. Seeing as how it contains greats like the late David Bowie though, this might be a bit out of their pay grade.
Here’s hoping the game’s music can actually be re-licensed for a release again in the future. For now though, you can pick up Alan Wake on the cheap via Steam. It’ll be 90% off starting May 13. The sale will continue for a mere 48 hours and past that you’ll only be able to play it on your friend’s computers unless you have a physical copy.
R.I.P. Alan Wake …
Source: Kotaku