From the people who kept you awake with SOMA comes a new collection of some timeless horror classics. “As the air turns cold and the night grows long, descend into madness with the series that redefined the horror genre and became a Let’s Play phenomenon in the Amnesia Collection, coming to PlayStation 4 on November 22nd.” Amnesia is the real deal, folks. The game originally came out in 2010, and it’s still as disturbing and creepy as it was when it first released.
The Amnesia Collection will contain all three titles in the series from Frictional Games and The Chinese Room. Those include Amnesia: The Dark Descent , expansion Amnesia: Justine , and sequel Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs . As stated, the collection will be available on November 22, but you can go ahead and pre-order from the PSN store for $30 USD.
The timing is a bit odd; this would have been the perfect collection to play on Halloween. If you’ve been itching for a good horror game that doesn’t rely on endless cheap jump-scares, I can wholeheartedly recommend Amnesia .