The Nintendo Direct happened last night, and it sure was a doozy. Included was a big segment on ARMS , the upcoming fighting game for the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo dropped a release date, more information on how the gameplay works and even showcased a new character.
ARMS is coming out on June 16, a little over a month before Splatoon 2 . I was predicting that ARMS would drop before Splatoon 2 in another piece on this here website , but I figured it would be a little earlier than a month. Anyway, that gives it some room to breathe and gain traction before the more proven IP takes over everything.
Nintendo also showed off Min Min, a new character with a pretty hilarious gimmick compared to the rest of the known roster. Min Min is a ramen-based character? She has ramen noodles for arms. ( ARMS ?) Both of her ARMS have ranged properties, one of them being a little projectile launcher of sorts, with minimal damage. It seems to be more of a space-controlling tool. The other can be charged until the noodles turn into a dragon, which shoots a delayed, but very powerful, laser. She’s definitely a more calculated character, but the payoff seems big.
The demonstration introduced an adorable commentary-type character, a little yellow guy with a hand protruding from his head. He showed off a full round of combat with Min Min, and more details were provided on the equipment system. Characters can mix and match any available ARMS between characters. It was also announced that in addition to one-on-one fights, ARMS also supports two-n-two battles, making it a bit more party-friendly.