



Assassin’s Creed 3 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Assassin’s Creed 3 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Assassin’s Creed 3

Review – The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 1: The Infamy DLC
Review – The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 2: The Betrayal DLC
Review – The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 3: The Redemption DLC

Secret assassin turkey

At any point after Sequence 6, go to the Davenport Homestead. Stand next to any corner on the outside of the house, enter stealth mode to lean against the wall of the house, then press Circle to whistle. If done correctly, a turkey should appear. Then, highlight the turkey, and quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X to feed it. The turkey will now wear an assassin’s hood, and follow you around.

Cheat mode

Collect the hidden Pivots throughout the game to unlock the following cheats under the options menu:

    Infinite Ammunition: Infinite pistol ammo and arrows
    Killing Spree: Allowed to assassinate enemies while not in stealth mode
    Made Of Steel: Invincibility
    Ninja: Enemy AI disabled; enemies will not see or hear you
    Recruit: Infinite recruit tokens
    Season Changer: Toggle seasons between summer and winter
    Semi-Automatic: Ranged weapons have no reload time between shots
    Sun And Moon: Toggle between day and night
    Thunder Kill: Thunder and lightning after each kill
    Weather Man: Set current weather conditions

Finding Pivots

Note: Pivots only become available after completing the campaign, or during the Epilogue. Pivots are hidden collectibles that can be found throughout the game. Pivots can only be found while online. However, you can use the tutorial while in offline mode to find the first three Pivots. You must collect the first three Pivots to find more. The rest of the Pivots are randomly placed by other players, which is why you must be online to collect the rest of the Pivots. To find the player placed Pivots, you need to triangulate their position using the first three Pivots you collected. Placing the three Pivots will create a green search zone on your map. These Pivots can be removed and added on your map screen (remove them by placing the cursor over the pivot, and add them by placing the cursor over the “Connor” icon). Once a search zone has been created, search for a square icon on your mini-map to find a new Pivot. Each Pivot unlocks a new Animus Hack cheat code under the options menu. Pivots spawn every 15 minutes; a timer will appear in the menus. Each Pivot is placed manually by a player. Thus, if another player finds your assigned Pivot before you collect it, the Pivot will change locations.

Alternate costumes

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume:

    Achilles’ Original outfit (at manor): Successfully complete all Achilles’ Homestead missions and interactive conversations.
    Altair’s robes (at manor): Get a 100% Sync on all story missions.
    Assassin’s robes: Start Sequence 6. Different colors can be purchased from general stores.
    Baltimore outfit (at shops): Start Sequence 9.
    Boston outfit (at shops): Start Sequence 6.
    Captain Kidd’s outfit (at manor): Collect all 24 Peg Leg Trinkets, 4 Map Shards, and solve the riddle on Oak Island.
    Charleston outfit (at shops): Start Sequence 6.
    Jamestown outfit (at shops): Start Sequence 6.
    Kanien’kehaka outfit (at manor): Collect all feathers.
    New York outfit (at shops): Start Sequence 9.
    Philadelphia outfit (at shops): Start Sequence 9.
    Prisoner outfit: Start Sequence 9.

Uplay rewards

Uplay can be accessed from the main menu. Once you have registered for Uplay, you can earn Uplay points by completing the indicated tasks:

    10 Uplay points: Get the “Mystery Guest” trophy by completing Sequence 2.
    20 Uplay points: Get the “Tea Is For Englishmen” trophy by completing Sequence 6.
    30 Uplay points: Get “The Sum Of Truth” trophy by completing Sequence 12.
    40 Uplay points: Get the “Abstergo Entertainment” trophy by reaching Level 20 in Multiplayer mode.

Uplay unlockables

Uplay can be accessed from the main menu. Once you have registered for Uplay, you can spend Uplay points to purchase the following bonuses:

    Assassin’s Creed 3 Theme: Purchase for 10 Uplay points.
    Multiplayer Profile Items and Pouch Upgrade: Purchase for 20 Uplay points.
    Ezio’s Oufit: Purchase for 30 Uplay points.
    Multiplayer Profile Items and Night Stalker Outfit: Purchase for 40 Uplay points.

Shard Of Eden

Successfully complete all five Captain Kidd missions to get the Shard Of Eden ring, which decreases the chance of being hit by bullets. When the Shard Of Eden deflects a bullet, a yellow animation will appear.

Easy money

Keep spawning and looting convoys to get a lot of good loot quickly. A convoy is a horse-drawn carriage that is guarded by some soldiers and a drummer. They can only be found in the Frontier area. There are certain areas they spawn, but they also will randomly appear during any daytime and weather condition. One of the convoys has approximately a 50% chance to spawn in front of the Templar Fort that is located in the south-western corner of the map. There is a harbor nearby that can be used as a fast travel station. If the convoy does not spawn, you can travel to another map and return. Defeat all the enemies guarding the convoy, then interact with the back of the carriage to get some good loot. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Easy incognito

Use the following trick to go from notorious (wanted) to incognito (not wanted) without paying a bribe to the crier or the printer, and without tearing down any posters. Once you are anonymous (unseen by the enemy), you can use “fast travel” — and when you do so, you will become incognito again.

Changing equipment

To change equipment (for example, to use a new sword), enter the “Equipment” screen at a shop to switch items. Note: Some items, such as certain outfits, can be switched in the basement of the homestead manor.

Saving time with Nathem

During the first two or three sequences where you play as Natham, do not spend any time acquiring money or weapons, as you will lose them all after switching over to Conner.

Almanac Page locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 36 Almanac Pages (20 in Boston and 16 in New York.). You can also buy an in-game map at the general store that reveals all the Almanac Page locations. One Almanac chapter consists of four different pages. Each chapter unlocks an invention for your Homestead Manor. Once you get near a page, it will start flying away. Walk into a page to collect it. If you do not catch the page, it will disappear. All pages will respawn after a short period of time. Just walk approximately 100 meters away from the spawn point, and return after a minute. Complete a single chapter to get the “Blowing In The Wind” trophy. Craft one of the unlocked inventions to get the “Patent Not Pending” trophy. Finding all collectibles is a requirement to reach 100% synchronization and get the the “Completionist” trophy.


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New York

Feather locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 50 Feathers (4 in Monmouth, 5 in Packanack, 2 in Valley Forge, 11 in Black Creek, 3 in Kanièn:Keh, 4 in Diamond Basin, 2 in Concord, 5 in Troy’s Wood, 3 in Scotch Plains, 4 in Lexington, 5 in Great Piece Hills, and 2 in John’s Town). They are all scattered across the Frontier. Most can be found on trees, and only a few are well hidden inside buildings or caves. You can also buy an in-game map at the general store that reveals all the Feather locations. Collecting all Feathers is a requirement to reach 100% synchronization and get the the “Completionist” trophy.

Homestead mission locations

There are a total of 37 Homestead missions in the game. The first two will be completed during the main story missions. The other 35 missions need to be played in a specific order. The Homestead has its own storyline, and there will only be a few missions available at a time. Completing those missions will make the Homestead larger, and settlers will be able to craft special items that can be traded for money. The more missions you complete, the more recipes that will be unlocked, and you can craft higher quality items. Successfully complete all Homestead missions to unlock Achille’s original Assassin outfit. Successfully complete 21 Homestead missions to get the “A Complete Set” trophy. Additionally, completing all Homestead missions is a requirement to reach 100% synchronization and get the the “Completionist” trophy.

Peg Leg Trinket locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 24 Peg Leg Trinkets. The Peg Leg Trinkets are used in the Peg Leg side-quest, and will unlock secret areas like Fort Wolcott and Oak Island. The quest giver can be found at the harbor of the Homestead. Return the Trinkets to him to progress in the side-quest. You can also buy an in-game map at the general store that reveals all the Trinket locations.

Templar Fort locations

Search the indicated locations to find all seven Templar Forts (two in Boston, three in the Frontier, and two in New York). They will not show up on the in-game map unless you have found them. Liberating the forts will lower taxes and increase your income from convoys. To liberate them, you must always kill the fort captain, blow up the power reserves, and lower the British flag. Liberating all forts is a requirement to reach 100% synchronization and get the the “Completionist” trophy.

Treasure chest locations

Search the indicated locations to find all treasures. Treasure chests contain recipes, money, and other value items.

Lucid Memory artifact locations (“The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 2: The Betrayal” DLC)

Search the indicated locations to find the three Lucid Memory artifacts and view a special memory fragment cutscene:

    1. Immediately after Sequence 3, when you are able to explore Boston, look for a new waypoint on your map in the southeastern section of the city. Look on the roofs around the road going southwest from the restricted docks to find the artifact.

    2. Search around the southern edge of Boston, where you can find many dead bodies. The artifact can be found in a shared courtyard. Look for a circle of buildings around the edge of the city, before you reach farmland.

    3. Search around the central northern section of the city. It is on a table behind a large wooden barricade blocking the street.

After finding all three artifacts, a new memory will appear on a ship out in the waters northeast of Boston. View it to learn more about the strange circumstances that lead to the DLC’s events.

Item crafting recipes

There is only one way to craft an item, but all items can be crafted without a recipe. Thus, it is important to know exactly which materials to use to craft an item because you will lose the ingredients if you do not combine the correct materials to create an item. Most crafted items are only good for selling, but there are some specialty items that can be crafted that will create unique weapons and upgrades. Most specialty recipes can be found in treasure chests in outdoor areas. The specialty items can be crafted at any time as long as you have the required material(s) and artisan level(s). Some artisans will only gain levels at certain points in the game; thus, you may have to wait until later in the game before certain specialty items can be crafted. Additionally, specialty items sometimes require special materials to construct.



    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Barley, Barrels


    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Apples, Barrels


    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Barley, Barrels, Rye



    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Belt Buckles, Cow Hide


    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Belt Buckles, Fox Pelt


    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Buttons, Linsey-woolsey

Coonskin Hat

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Raccoon Pelt, Sewing Threads

Fine Clothing

    Artisan: Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Buttons, Linsey-woolsey, Wolf Pelt

Fine Hats

    Artisan: Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Beaver Pelt, Hare Pelt

Fine Shoes

    Artisan: Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Beaver Pelt, Belt Buckles

Fox Tail Scarf

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Fox Tail, Sewing Threads


    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredient: Beaver Pelt


    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Elk Pelt, Sewing Threads


    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Dyes, Linsey-woolsey, Sewing Threads


    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Belt Buckles, Hare Pelt

Tool Belts

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor, Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Belt Buckles, Cow Hide, Nails


    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Dyes, Sewing Threads, Wool



    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith and Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Kindling


    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Hare Meat, Poultry Meat, Vegetables


    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith
    Ingredient: Lead Ore

Poisoned Dart

    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith, Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Lead Ore, Sulfur

Rope Dart

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith, Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Cow Hide, Flax, Weapon Blades

Smoke Bomb

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Black Powder, Clay, Dyes


    Artisan: Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Cow Hide, Kindling

Trip Mine

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Black Powder, Clay, Flints



    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Eggs, Flour, Milk

Deer Jerky

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Rock Salt, Venison

Deer Marrow Soup

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Deer Marrow, Fresh Water, Vegetables

Jugged Hare

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Hare Meat, Vegetables

Meat Pies

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Flour, Hare Meat


    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredient: Rock Salt

Salted Elk Meat

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Elk Meat, Rock Salt

Shepherd’s Pie

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Pork, Poultry Meat, Vegetables

Smoked Elk Meat

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Elk Meat, Maple Lumber


    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Honey, Rosemary

Venison Heart

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Deer Heart, Vegetables



    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Sand

Electrostatic Generator

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith, Level 3 Doctor
    Ingredients: Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Sand

Franklin Stove

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Silver Ore

Glass Armonica

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Charcoal, Sand

Joseph Priestley Soda Apparatus

    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Fresh Water, Glass Bottles

Kite and Key

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Kindling, Linsey-woolsey

Leyden Jar

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Copper Ore, Fresh Water, Glass Bottles


    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith, Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Copper Ore, Rosewood Lumber

Watt Steam Engine

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Fresh Water, Iron Ore



    Artisan: Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredient: Oak Lumber

Belt Buckles

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredient: Copper Ore

Black Powder

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Lead Ore, Rock Salt, Sulfur


    Artisan: Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredient: Hickory Lumber


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    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredient: Beeswax


    Artisan: Level 1 Doctor
    Ingredient: Apples


    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredient: Beeswax


    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Lead Ore, Limestone


    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredient: Wheat

Glass Bottles

    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith
    Ingredient: Sand


    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor, Level 3 Woodworker
    Ingredient: Madder (obtained from Huntress)


    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Flax, Wool


    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith
    Ingredient: Iron Ore


    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor, Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Flax, Oak Bark

Sewing Threads

    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredient: Wool

Weapon Blades

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Charcoal, Iron Ore

Weapon Handles

    Artisan: Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredient: Maple Lumber


All-Purpose Remedy

    Artisan: Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Glass Bottles, St. John’s Wort


    Artisan: Level 1 Doctor, Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Disinfectant, Linsey-woolsey

Cold Medicine

    Artisan: Level 1 Doctor
    Ingredients: Barley, Catnip, Glass Bottles

Cough Syrup

    Artisan: Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Glass Bottles, Honey

Daffy’s Elixir

    Artisan: Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Barley, Glass Bottles, Rye

Digestive Tonic

    Artisan: Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Flax, Glass Bottles

Eye Drops

    Artisan: Level 3 Doctor
    Ingredients: Glass Bottles, Rosemary

Hysteria Medicine

    Artisan: Level 4 Doctor
    Ingredients: Castoreum, Glass Bottles

Insect Repellent

    Artisan: Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Catnip, Glass Bottles

Medical Charts

    Artisan: Level 4 Doctor
    Ingredients: Inks, Paper

Medical Equipment

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith, Level 4 Doctor
    Ingredients: Disinfectant, Iron Ore


    Artisan: Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Glass Bottles, Sulfur


    Artisan: Level 1 Doctor
    Ingredients: Bear Grease, Deer Marrow

Skin Irritation Remedy

    Artisan: Level 3 Doctor
    Ingredients: Glass Bottles, Rosemary, St. John’s Wort

Snakebite Antidote

    Artisan: Level 2 Doctor
    Ingredients: Glass Bottles, Snakeroot


    Artisan: Level 1 Innkeeper
    Ingredients: Bear Grease, Charcoal, Rosemary

Stiffness Remedy

    Artisan: Level 3 Doctor
    Ingredients: Elk Antlers, Elk Heart

Stomachache Medicine

    Artisan: Level 1 Doctor
    Ingredients: Catnip, Charcoal, Glass Bottles


Brass Rings

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Copper Ore, Fresh Water

Golden Rings

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Gold Ore


    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith, Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Candles, Iron Ore

Mining Tools

    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith, Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Maple Lumber


    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith, Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Walnut Lumber

Silver Rings

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredient: Silver Ore

Woodworking Tools

    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith, Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Hickory Lumber, Iron Ore


Broken Sword Knife

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Special Iron Ingot, Weapon Blades

Cartridge Pouch Upgrade 1

    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredient: Hare Pelt

Cartridge Pouch Upgrade 2

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Deer Pelt, Sewing Threads

Cartridge Pouch Upgrade 3

    Artisan: Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Fox Pelt, Sewing Threads

English Flintlock Pistol

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith, Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Flints, Oak Lumber, Special Iron Ingot

French Coat Pistol

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Flints, Special Iron Ingot

Iron Blade War Club

    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith, Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Ash Lumber, Special Iron Ingot

Italian Flintlock

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith, Level 3 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Maple Lumber, Flints, Special Iron Ingot

Land Convoy

    Artisan: Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Oak Bark, Oak Lumber

Land Convoy Capacity Upgrade

    Artisan: Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Pine Lumber, Kindling

Lincoln’s Sword Replica

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Special Iron Ingot, Silver Ore

Naval Axe

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith, Level 3 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Special Iron Ingot, Hickory Lumber

Naval Convoy

    Artisan: Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Spruce Lumber, Oak Bark, Bear Grease

Naval Convoy Capacity Upgrade

    Artisan: Level 3 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Maple Lumber, Kindling

Naval Duckfoot

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Special Iron Ingot, Lead Ore

Poison Dart Pouch Upgrade

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Hare Pelt, Sewing Threads, Beaver Pelt

Quiver 1

    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor, Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Cow Hide, Ash Lumber

Rope Dart Pouch 1

    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Sewing Threads, Hare Pelt

Royal Navy Sea Service Flintlock

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Gold Ore, Flints, Special Iron Ingot

Royal Pistol

    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Silver Ore, Flints, Special Iron Ingot

Small Saddle Bags

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith, Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Sewing Threads, Copper Ore

Medium Saddle Bags

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith, Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Sewing Threads, Silver Ore

Large Saddle Bags

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith, Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Gold Ore, Sewing Threads

Smoke Bomb Pouch Upgrade

    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Cow Hide, Sewing Threads

Snare Pouch 1

    Artisan: Level 1 Tailor
    Ingredients: Wolf Pelt, Sewing Threads

Trip Mine Pouch 1

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Fox Pelt, Sewing Threads, Cow Hide

Twin Holsters

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Wolf Pelt, Rosewood Lumber

War Tomahawk

    Artisan: Level 2 Blacksmith
    Ingredient: Special Iron Ingot

Washington’s Battle Sword

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Silver Ore, Special Iron Ingot

War Supplies


    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Black Powder, Iron Ore


    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith, Level 3 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Flints, Iron Ore, Oak Lumber


    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Flints, Iron Ore, Weapon Handles


    Artisan: Level 1 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Iron Ore, Nails

Officer Swords

    Artisan: Level 4 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Silver Ore, Weapon Blades, Weapon Handles


    Artisan: Level 3 Tailor
    Ingredients: Beaver Pelt, Cow Hide

Ship Masts

    Artisan: Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredient: Spruce Lumber

Ship Sails

    Artisan: Level 2 Tailor
    Ingredients: Linsey-woolsey, Sewing Threads


    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith
    Ingredients: Weapon Blades, Weapon Handles



    Artisan: Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredient: Pine Lumber


    Artisan: Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredient: Walnut Lumber

Fine Furniture

    Artisan: Level 3 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Hickory Lumber, Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber

Fishing Rods

    Artisan: Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Sewing Threads, Spruce Lumber


    Artisan: Level 2 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Pine Lumber, Walnut lumber


    Artisan: Level 3 Blacksmith, Level 1 Woodworker
    Ingredients: Black Powder, Pine Lumber

Obtaining special crafting materials

Special materials used for crafting certain items can be obtained using the following methods:

    Special Iron Ingots: Successfully complete a special mission for the Miners in the Homestead. Alternately, they can be found by unlocking a chest behind your manor house.

The following materials can be obtained by hunting and skinning animals, or are available from the different helpers and artisans around the Homestead:

    Farmers: Hides, Wool
    Hunting only: Bear Grease
    Huntress/Hunting Materials: Pelts
    Lumberer: Lumbers, Barks, Kindling, Charcoal
    Miners: Ores, Limestone

Leveling artisans

To increase the level of artisans, you must complete their particular side-quests and events during specific sequences, which begin during Sequence 5. The following is a list of the order you will need to complete the side-quests during each sequence to increase the artisan levels. You must recruit all artisans and workers before you can increase their levels. Note: Not all side-quests and events have prerequisites, but many do. Thus, complete them in the order listed below to gain all the indicated levels, as long as you find all events. If any of the listed artisan levels are not obtained, you may not be able to continue with one or more artisans and workers.

Sequence 5

Note: After completing the Lumberer’s event, go back to Achilles.

    Lumberer – Level 1 (Summer only)
    Woodworker – Level 1
    Farmer – Level 1 (Frontier)
    Lumberer – Level 2

Sequence 6

Note: Talk to Achilles to start the “Encyclopedia Of The Common Man” side-quest. However, you do not need to complete it until after you have recruited all artisans and workers.

    Lumberer – Level 3
    Farmer – Level 3 (Summer only)
    Huntress – Level 1
    Miner – Level 1 (Boston)
    Huntress – Level 2

Sequence 7

Note: After staying with the Innkeeper, you can start Achilles’ side-quest there, as long as you have started his side-quest in Sequence 6, but not completed it.

    Innkeeper – Level 1
    Miner – Level 2 (after Achilles’ side-quest)
    Lumberer – Level 4
    Farmer – Level 3
    Miner – Level 3
    Farmer – Level 4

Sequence 8

    Miner – Level 4
    Blacksmith – Level 1 (Frontier during Summer only)

Sequence 9

Note: Achilles’ side-quest is located in New York after completing these events.

    Tailor – Level 1 (New York)
    Priest – Level 1
    Doctor – Level 1
    Blacksmith – Level 2 (New York)
    Huntress – Level 3
    Woodworker – Level 2 (Boston)
    Tailor – Level 2
    Tailor – Level 3
    Priest – Level 2
    Blacksmith – Level 3 (Boston during Summer only)

Sequence 10

    Doctor – Level 2
    Blacksmith – Level 4
    Woodworker – Level 3 (Boston)

Sequence 11

    Doctor – Level 3

Special Frontiersmen side-quests

There are some special Frontiersmen side-quests you can find in the game that revolve around famous urban legends. The side-quests can be found in the indicated locations. Note: Once you complete a side-quest, check the Animus Database for some additional background information regarding the side-quest.


    After completing “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” Frontiersmen quest, you can find the “Finding The Sasquatch” side-quest in the northeast area of the Frontier. In the woods, you will find a few Frontiersmen sitting around a camp fire. Speak with them, and they will tell you a story about Sasquatch before the side-quest begins. The side-quest will lead you to a cave near a waterfall to the northwest. Inside the cave, you will find an ordinary man.

    The Headless Horseman

    After completing “The Haunted Lighthouse” side-quest, talk to the same men who gave you that side-quest. They will tell you a story about a German mercenary without a head before the side-quest begins. The side-quest will lead you to a dead body. Then, a real Headless Horsemen with only a pumpkin for a head will appear before running off.

    The Haunted Lighthouse

    After completing the “Finding The Sasquatch” side-quest, talk to the same men who gave you that side-quest. They will tell you a story about a haunted lighthouse before the side-quest begins. The side-quest will lead you to a lighthouse in the east area of the Frontier. Once you climb to the top of the lighthouse, you will find a scarecrow.

    The Loch Ness Monster

    After completing “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” Frontiersmen quest, talk to some Frontiersmen in a tavern on the east side of Boston to get the “Monster Of The Sea” side-quest. They will tell you a story about an encounter on the high seas with a monster before the side-quest begins. You will then be lead around Boston to listen in on stories from three other people. Talk to all three people to discover the true source, which is just an old atmospheric diving suit.

    UFO Sightings

    After completing the “Monster Of The Sea” side-quest, talk to the same men who gave you that side-quest. They will tell you a story about a UFO encounter before the side-quest begins. The side-quest will lead you west of the city. Once you climb a tree to find the true source of the sighting, you will just find an umbrella.

Getting 100% synchronization

The following videos will show you how to do everything necessary to get 100% synchronization in the game and the “Perfectionist” trophy:

Sequences 1-3

Sequences 4-6

Sequences 7-9

Sequences 10-12

Cool Hand Luke reference

When you bump into certain women around Boston, they will say “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” This is a reference to a famous line in the 1967 movie Cool Hand Luke .

MMA reference

During an early sequence with Desmond in Brazil, you will be running through a stadium’s catwalks. If you look down, you will see an MMA fight with Guilherme Venancio vs. Luis Otavio Duris.

Easy “Bring Down The House” trophy

To visit Fort Wolcott, you must complete the first part of the “Peg Leg” side-quest. The quest giver can be found at the harbor in the Homestead area. Find one Peg Leg Trinket (marked on your map), and return it to the quest giver. You will then have to use your ship to reach Fort Wolcott. Follow the path of the mission, and avoid being detected. Successfully complete the mission to get the “Bring Down The House” trophy.

Easy “Circus Act” trophy

During DNA Sequence 10: Memory 3 – Battle Of Monmouth, immediately after the sequence begins, you will be in control of a cannon and have to defeat some soldiers. Aim slightly to the left and as far back as possible. Shoot into the approaching group of soldiers, and you should get 15 kills from your first shot. If you miss the shot, you can either restart from the checkpoint or wait for another group of soldiers.

Easy “Coureur Des Bois” trophy

There are a total of nine different general stores in the game (three in Boston, three in the Frontier, and three in New York). Some are not shown on the in-game map, but all of them can be visited after reaching New York. To get undamaged pelts, you must kill animals with your hidden blade and skin them. Once you have at least nine undamaged pelts, sell one to each general store to get the “Coureur Des Bois” trophy.

Easy “Eye Witness” trophy

To easily get the “Eye Witness” trophy, get a bear, bobcat, cougar, fox, or wolf to follow you to an enemy patrol or bring an enemy patrol to the them. You cannot be in an open conflict with the enemy or predator or else they will not attack each other. Also, do not shoot or harm the predator or they may run away. There are also a lot of scripted events in the Frontier area where one of these animals will kill a hunter. They have fixed locations and can happen at any daytime. Go to the Packanack hunting zone on the western part of the map. There is a road going from north to south. Follow the road until you come to a restricted area (highlighted in red). Go up a hill to the west, and you will encounter several bobcats, as well as two hunters. If you cannot get the trophy during the first try, you can get yourself killed, and everyone will respawn. Just wait until one of the hunters runs into a bobcat, and keep watching to get the “Eye Witness” trophy.

Easy “House Party” trophy

You must complete DNA Sequence 5: Memory 4 – River Rescue before you can recruit Artisans and help them settle on the Homestead. They will be marked on the map if you have found their locations. In the far south area of the Homestead, close to where you can travel to the Frontier, is an Artisan named Lance you can help. Kill the people who are torturing him, and he will be able to craft woodworks for you. This can also be done at any point later in the game in free roam mode.

Easy “Jager Bomb” trophy

A good place to get the “Jager Bomb” trophy is at the end of DNA Sequence 5: Memory 2. Memories can be replayed at the “DNA Tracker” menu in the pause screen. You will have to climb to a rooftop, and after a cutscene, you will automatically have full notoriety. There will now be a lot of Jagers on the streets. They usually wear a black uniform and have a sword, pistol, and grenades. Jagers are more agile and stronger than normal enemies. Press B to counter their attacks, and press A to break their defense.

Easy “Kidd Gloves” trophy

To visit Oak Island, you must find all 24 Peg Leg Trinkets, and complete all parts of the “Peg Leg” side-quest. The quest giver can be found at the harbor in the Homestead area. Find all Peg Leg Trinkets, and return them to the quest giver. You will then be able to play a series of special side missions. Oak Island is similar to the “Assassin Tombs” from previous games in the series. Successfully complete the main objectives to get the “Kidd Gloves” trophy.

Easy “Original Gamer” trophy

First, you must have completed most of the Homestead side-quests before the Bowls, Fanorona, and Morris mini-games become available. The tactics of your opponent in each game will vary greatly, especially in the Fanorona mini-game. Use the following strategies in the three mini-games to help increase your chances of winning each game and getting the “Original Gamer” trophy:


    The mini-game can be played outside the Homestead Inn, and becomes available during the fourth Homestead mission for Godfrey and Terry. The goal is to have your bowls closest to the red bowl at the end of a round. The more of your bowls that are close to the red bowl, the more points you will get. The first player who gets five points wins. This is the easiest of the three mini-games. Your opponent will be very inaccurate and not score many points. Make sure to use the tactical camera for a better overview.


    The mini-game can be played in the Homestead Manor, and becomes available during DNA Sequence 5. The goal is to capture all enemy pieces. You can move your own piece multiple times each round, as long as an attack is possible. Concentrate on taking out the majority your opponent’s pieces quickly without losing too many of your own. When your opponent has three pieces left, you should have at least six. You will sometimes have to sacrifice one of your pieces to make the opponent attack and to take his piece in return. This is the hardest of the three mini-games, as the CPU changes its tactics a lot. It is very important to get the advantage early in the game.


    The mini-game can be played in the Homestead Inn, and becomes available after doing the Homestead mission for Oliver and Corrine. The goal is to leave your opponent with fewer than three pieces or block all possible moves. To take your opponent’s pieces, you need to line up three of your own pieces. Start by placing pieces on two corners of the board. When your opponent has two pieces in a row, block the third place. Each player has nine pieces. Once all of them have been played, you can only move the pieces one field per round. Try to build a trap so you can move one piece back and forth and get a line of three in each round. Once your opponent has only three pieces left, he can place it anywhere on the board.

Easy “Predator” trophy

Rope Darts can be purchased at any general store. To hang enemies, climb a tree branch or wooden beam, equip a Rope Dart, and press Y to throw it while moving Left Analog-stick Down. A good place to hang enemies using Rope Darts is at the beginning of DNA Sequence 6: Memory 2. Memories can be replayed at the “DNA Tracker” menu in the pause screen. Follow the target until you encounter two guards. Then, climb up the tree on the other side of the road, and hang one of the enemies. After hanging enemies, you have to wait a few seconds until they die. Keep reloading the checkpoint, and repeat this process until you get the “Predator” trophy.

Easy “Prince Of Thieves” trophy

A convoy is a horse-drawn carriage that is guarded by some soldiers and a drummer. They can only be found in the Frontier area. There are certain areas they spawn, but they also will randomly appear during any daytime and weather condition. One of the convoys has approximately a 50% chance to spawn in front of the Templar Fort that is located in the south-western corner of the map. There is a harbor nearby that can be used as a fast travel station. If the convoy does not spawn, you can travel to another map and return. To loot the convoy without killing anyone, just use your fists instead of lethal weapons. This will knock the enemies out instead of killing them. You can also use smoke bombs to stun the soldiers, allowing you to defeat them more quickly. Once all enemies have been defeated, interact with the back of the carriage to get some good loot and the “Prince Of Thieves” trophy.

Easy “Spit Roast” trophy

You can pick up a musket from most dead enemies. There are also weapon stands in every major city that you can grab a musket from. The double assassination must be done as a melee kill, as shooting will not work. Find two guards that are standing next to each other, then line them up before trying to kill them. Also, make sure the musket is loaded or else you may not trigger the double assassination if there is not a bullet in the musket.

Easy “Whit’s Fur Ye’ll No Go By Ye!” trophy

Enemies will occasionally enter a firing line formation to shoot you with their muskets. You can avoid getting hit by grabbing a nearby enemy. There will be a tutorial for this maneuver at the end of Sequence 2: Memory 5. Press X to use an enemy as a human shield. You can simply keep restarting the checkpoint to get the required blocks. The DNA sequence can also be replayed from the pause menu at any time.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Master Assassin (Platinum): Get every trophy.
    Rude Awakening (Bronze): Re-Enter the Animus.
    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (Silver): Open the Temple Door and learn Desmond’s fate.
    Mystery Guest (Bronze): Complete Sequence 1 & 2.
    How D’ya Like Them Apples (Bronze): Complete Sequence 3.
    Heroes are Born (Bronze): Complete Sequence 4.
    The Day the Templars Cried (Bronze): Complete Sequence 5.
    Tea is for Englishmen (Silver): Complete Sequence 6.
    The Whites of Their Eyes (Silver): Complete Sequence 7.
    Caged Wolf (Bronze): Complete Sequence 8.
    Two if by Sea (Silver): Complete Sequence 9.
    Grim Expectations (Bronze): Complete Sequence 10.
    Difficult End (Bronze): Complete Sequence 11.
    The Sum of Truth (Gold): Complete Sequence 12.
    Perfectionist (Silver): Complete 100% of all main mission constraints.
    An Extraordinary Man (Bronze): Complete the Encyclopedia of the Common Man.
    Patent Not Pending (Bronze): Craft one of Franklin’s inventions to decorate your Manor.
    House Party (Bronze): Recruit any of the Artisans and see them settled on the Homestead.
    A Complete Set (Silver): See all the optional characters settled at the Homestead.
    Original Gamer (Bronze): Win a game of Fanorona, Morris and Bowls on the Homestead.
    Bring Down the House (Bronze): Explore Fort Wolcott.
    Kidd Gloves (Bronze): Uncover the mystery of Oak Island.
    All Washed Up (Silver): Complete all Naval Missions aboard the Aquila.
    Entrepreneur, not Pirate! (Bronze): Complete all 12 Privateer Contracts.
    Tumblehome (Bronze): Upgrade the Aquila.
    By Invitation Only (Bronze): Be invited to join a Club.
    In Good Standing (Silver): Complete all challenges for any of the Clubs.
    Man of the People (Silver): Liberate all districts in Boston OR New York.
    Monopoly Man (Bronze): Send a convoy to Boston, New York and the Frontier.
    Blowing in the Wind (Bronze): Retrieve every page for one of Ben Franklin’s Almanacs.
    Completionist (Silver): Complete ALL progress tracker grid entries.
    Multitasking (Bronze): Complete 50% of the Progress Tracker entries.
    Spit Roast (Bronze): Perform a double assassination using a musket.
    Circus Act (Bronze): Kill 15 guards with a single cannon shot.
    Predator (Bronze): Hang 5 enemies by using rope darts.
    Prince of Thieves (Bronze): Loot a convoy without killing any of its guards.
    Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye! (Bronze): Block a firing line 5 times by using a human shield.
    Jager Bomb (Bronze): After becoming fully Notorious, kill 10 Jagers before losing your notoriety.
    Magna cum Laude (Bronze): Have a Trainee reach the Assassin Rank.
    Coureur des Bois (Bronze): Exchange undamaged pelts at all different general stores.
    Eye Witness (Bronze): Witness a predator killing an enemy.
    Fin (Silver): Complete each of the epilogue missions unlocked after the credits roll.
    Abstergo Entertainment (Silver): Reach level 20 in the multiplayer mode.
    Hunter/Killer (Bronze): Reach sequence 10 in a map on Wolfpack multiplayer mode.
    Winning Team (Bronze): Be on the winning team at the end of a multiplayer game session.
    Personalized (Bronze): Customize your multiplayer Profile and Character.
    The Truth Will Out (Silver): Unlock a hacked version of one of the Abstergo videos in the story quest.

Additionally, there are four secret trophies:

    Daddy Dearest (Bronze): Complete Present – Stadium.
    Criss Cross (Bronze): Complete Present – Skyscraper.
    The End is Nigh (Silver): Complete Present – Abstergo.
    Head in the Cloud (Silver): Find all pivots and sync the Animus to the Cloud.

The following trophies require “The Battle Hardened Pack” bonus downloadable content:

    A New Challenger Appears (Silver): Finish a multiplayer game session with each of the additional characters.
    One for All (Silver): With any of the additional characters, perform 20 “Revive” actions.
    Stubborn Stunner (Silver): Stun 3 pursuers without dying, playing with any of the additional characters.
    Wolves for Lambs (Silver): Complete a Wolfpack multiplayer session on any of the additional maps.

The following trophies require “The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 1: The Infamy” bonus downloadable content:

    Uniquely Familiar (Bronze): Receive an unexpected gift.
    A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (Silver): Kill 25 enemies while staying cloaked.
    Frontiersman (Silver): Reach 100% synchronization in the Frontier.

Additionally, there is one secret trophy with “The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 1: The Infamy” bonus downloadable content:

    West Point Payback (Silver): Defeat Benedict Arnold.

The following trophies require “The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 2: The Betrayal” bonus downloadable content:

    Frequent Flyer (Silver): Use Eagle Flight to travel 1 km.
    The New Tea Party (Silver): Reach 100% synchronization in Boston.

Additionally, there is one secret trophy with “The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 2: The Betrayal” bonus downloadable content:

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    Blindsided (Silver): Defeat Putnam.

The following trophies require “The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 3: The Redemption” bonus downloadable content:

    Aftershock (Silver): Kill 125 enemies using Bear Might.
    If I Can Make It There (Silver): Reach 100% synchronization in New York.

Additionally, there is one secret trophy with “The Tyranny Of King Washington, Part 3: The Redemption” bonus downloadable content:

    First in the Hearts (Secret): Defeat George Washington.
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