



Assassin’s Creed: Rising Phoenix Image Leaks

Assassin’s Creed: Rising Phoenix Image Leaks

Well, here we go again. With another day comes another Assassin’s Creed leak. This time, the image is for a project called Assassin’s Creed: Rising Phoenix.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag was recently announced, so we’re not quite sure what Rising Phoenix could be. Maybe it’s a new Vita title? Could it be about the upcoming film? Perhaps it’s just viral marketing for Black Flag.

Whatever it is, we’re stumped. We’re also not sure how all this stuff keeps getting leaked out of Ubisoft. Either they have employees who enjoy leaking out secrets, or maybe they’re doing it on purpose to create user interest.

A quick Google search results in a lot of news outlets reporting the same thing: there’s a new image leaked and we have no idea what it means. With PAX East only two days away, we might find out soon enough.

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