After a bit of E3-flavored teasing, Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios announced its next game, and it isn’t a Just Cause sequel. The new game is called Generation Zero , and it’s an open world, multiplayer shooter with a unique setting.
Generation Zero is set in 1980’s Sweden, although this version of 1980’s Sweden has been invaded by evil robots. Up to four players can group together to fight these machines off and use guerilla tactics, in addition to the usual gunfire, to blindside their overpowered opponents and take them down.
This is a self-publishing effort for Avalanche Studios, and the release is currently set for 2019 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The new trailer shows off the rural setting as it is invaded by hulking machines, and a ragtag group of humans take the threat head-on.
In the announcing press release, Avalanche Studios describes the game as “triple indie,” as the game is intended to combine the more subdued action of the company’s self-published hunting games and the bombastic nature of its larger, publisher-released AAA offerings.
Currently, Avalanche Studios is also working on Rage 2 with Bethesda Softworks and id Software.
Source: Press Release