Hands On E3 : What will strike fear in the hearts of gamers? Batman Begins, the videogame! In case you think I got that all wrong, just hear me out. I spent a good twenty minutes with EA and Eurocom’s Batman Begins and I am giving it to you straight. It’s a tough, tough game. While the mechanics are not stealth based exactly, you’ll have to create shock and awe as Batman before you take on even a room with a small handful of enemies. If you think you can just waltz in and start eradicating enemies, you’ll die and die often. Fear is your biggest weapon and after playing the game I can tell you that is 100% correct. If you don’t succeed in raising the BPM of the criminals hearts before you attack, they will kick your ass all over the place. After the kindly developer on hand explained how to do this, I fared much better. Please note that I was dropped into a level that I was told exists deep within the game, without any prior gameplay experiernce. I imagine once you get to this level after having the game in your possession, you won’t be as “deer in the headlights” as I was. What I played of the game I very much enjoyed, but I unfortunately didn’t get any hands on time with the Tumbler levels (AKA Batmobile). I did watch someone else play them and I have to say, it’s a good thing EA already owns the rights to the Burnout franchise or there would definitely be some lawsuits. In fact, I was told that Criterion actually had a hand in developing the vehicle chase levels in Batman Begins. As it stands, Batman looks very good from a visual standpoint. The fighting game engine is decent, but more moves would have been preferred. I’m thinking if there are the same stock beatdown animations going on, that it could get a tad repetitive. The short time I spent with the game whet my appetite for more and luckily we’ll only have to wait less than a month to see a final version. Previous Preview by Vaughn: Ask any Batman fan and he’ll tell you what it takes to make a great Batman game. Unfortunately though, these fans never seem to get anywhere near the development teams responsible for creating games based on their favorite characters.That could be the very reason that 99.9% of all Batman games appear to have been created in the depths of Arkham Asylum. That intro begs the question – Will Eurocom and EA be able to break the evil spell and deliver a Batman game that will finally do the caped crusador and Dark Knight of evil, justice? Who the hell knows? I’m not even going to pretend that this game will be decent. Once bitten, Twice Shy….you know the drill. It does appear to have potential and that’s as positive a compliment as you’re going to get from me until I have the final product in my hands. The game is based on the upcoming movie which is going to great lengths to distance itself from the once great series which became bogged down by ridiculous over the top villains and poor choices for the role of absolutely everyone, save Alfred. The only way to erase images of Batman’s nipples, Robin and Batgirl is to start at the beginning, before Gotham City went to hell in a bathandbasket. Batman Begins gives us a fleshed out origin of Bruce Wayne/Batman (Christian Bale – American Psycho) and how he trains to become the world’s greatest detective and crimefighter. Batman the product has always strived to be a dark foreboding character and his comic debut in the late 30’s kept Bob Kane’s tone and ran with it. It wasn’t until the 60’s and the high camp nonsense of Adam West’s Batman began to change the character from Dark Knight to clown. Toss in regular appearances in the early 70’s on Super Friends and you’ve got a watered down superhero who shouldn’t appear during the day, but frequently does. Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight graphic novel returned Bats to his dark beginnings and the late 80’s movies starring Michael Keaton paid homage to the series in tone and setting, thanks to the incredible vision of Tim Burton. The game Eurocom is developing is attempting to make Batman the epicenter of fear in the game, rather than the other way around. Generally in gaming, the hero / player is the one afraid of what is lurking around the corner, even though they have the power to stop whatever it is that is waiting to confront them. In Batman Begins, Batman is the number one source of fear and it will be that mechanic which will make fighting much more to your advantage. Get the drop on a scared thug, who has only heard rumors of this gigantic winged creature and he won’t be able to shoot properly and certainly won’t have the guts to attack you head on. As I said this definitely has potential. We haven’t seen any screens of the completely revamped Batmobile, but we trust that it will make an appearance in the game. Currently we are also unsure of whether the game will take a “sandbox” approach (go anywhere, do anything) that the previous Spider-Man 2 game put to good use and that the Hulk 2 game will incorporate as well. As soon as we have more info, screens and movies you’ll be the first to know. |