



BioWare Brings Back Ultima

BioWare Brings Back Ultima


One of the most classic and long-running RPG series in all of gaming history is returning courtesy of BioWare. EA and BioWare Mythic have recently announced Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar, a brand new free-to-play online RPG that will continue the classic story of the Ultima series.

The game will be coming out this year on both PC and iPad. Both versions will be completely compatible with each other, allowing you to take your MMO wanderings on the road.

This is your chance to re-live the glory days of the RPG, when space-ships randomly showed up for no reason, plots barely made any sense, control schemes varied wildly from release to release, and Richard Garriott was slightly less crazy than he is right now.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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