



Botched Amiibo Samus Sells for $2,500 on eBay

Botched Amiibo Samus Sells for $2,500 on eBay

You may have heard of the botched amiibo of Metroid’s Samus Aran that has been circulating recently–it’s basically a toy model of Samus with two arm cannons instead of the usual one.

This amiibo, featured above, is considered to be very rare, and despite the flawed end-product of the toy itself, someone has paid top-dollar to get their hands on it. What you may find at a retail price of $12.99 for typical Samus amiibo toys has been auctioned off for $2,500 on eBay–the box in which the amiibo was housed in was still sealed.

As you can see, the two arm cannons gives this little toy a rather apparent distinction amongst others of its kind. This distinction itself is believed to be an obvious defect from the assembly line. This unique Samus amiibo may be one of extremely few other defects, if not the only one of its kind.

With its given rarity, and its extraordinary appearance, it’s understandable why one particular enthusiast would wish to lay down money in order to acquire this toy.

This Samus amiibo is from a line of other amiibo toys for Wii U games such as Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8 , and this amiibo in particular was part of the first wave to be distributed. The next wave is reportedly scheduled to release later on this month.

We’ll bring you more news on amiibos should further information reach our ears.

[ Source(s): eBay ]

[ Via: Polygon ]

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