



Call Of Duty: Ghosts Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

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Call Of Duty: Ghosts Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Call Of Duty: Ghosts

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ


Extinction mode

Successfully complete Mission 1: Ghost Stories in Campaign mode on any difficulty to unlock Extinction mode at the main menu. Alternately, reach Level 5 in Multiplayer mode. In Extinction mode, four players fight aliens in a post-apocalyptic world.

Ghillie suit

To unlock the Ghillie suit in Multiplayer mode, select “Weapon Challenges” to see if the “Chrome Barrel Master” challenge is active. If it says “Challenge Inactive”, go to “Operations”, and spend one Squad Point to get new challenges. Repeat this process until the “Chrome Barrel Master” challenge is active. Then, complete the “Chrome Barrel Master” challenge to unlock the Ghillie suit.

Exploding alien dolls Easter Egg

Start Chapter 1: Point Of Contact in Extinction mode, and obtain the sniper rifle. Find the “Gil’s Lodge Motel” neon sign in the first area of the game. Use the sniper rifle to shoot the letters “L”, “O”, and “L” (in order) in the word “Lodge” on that sign. If done correctly, the message “LOL” will appear in the center of the screen. Note: This may take a few attempts before it works correctly. Once the Easter Egg has been activated, for a short period of time, any alien shot will explode into golden stuffed alien dolls.

Mushroom mode in “Awakening” Extinction map (“Invasion” DLC)

Find and shoot the three hive eggs hidden in Zone 2 (crater area) of the map in “Awakening” (Extinction mode) in the “Invasion” DLC. All players will then gain speedy hand abilities (for example, reloading and setting turrets), see through walls, and turn enemies into mushrooms when killed.

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Secret killstreak crate in “Pharaoh” map (“Invasion” DLC)

Interact with three torches in the “Pharaoh” map (“Invasion” DLC) to open a secret door that leads to a hidden chamber with a bonus killstreak crate. After collecting it, run out of the room before the door closes to avoid being trapped in the room and being killed.

Neversoft Eyeballs Easter Egg (“Nemesis” DLC)

Collect three Neversoft eyeballs that randomly spawn in three separate areas in Exodus (Extinction mode). When you collect each eyeball, you will hear a sound from the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series. Once all three eyeballs are collected, your team will get Guitar Hero Star Power, lighting will strike the entire team, and glowing neon stars will drop down for ten seconds. The entire team will get all perks for three minutes, including infinite feral instincts and weapon specialist. The aliens on the map will also burst into Neversoft logo eyeballs when shot.

“Always Hard” bonus video (“Nemesis” DLC)

Go to the gas station area in Exodus (Extinction mode). Find the dim neon sign above the car wash near one of the craters on the street. Shoot the letters on the sign to spell “NEVERSOFT”. Each correct shot will display a colored letter on your HUD. Once the word is completed, you will unlock an “Always Hard” bonus video at the “Intel” menu, which shows Neversoft’s last day as a game studio.

All Rorke File locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 18 Rorke Files and get the “Audiophile” trophy:

    1. Mission 1: Ghost Stories: After completing the space section sequence, you will gain control of a character on earth. While running and dodging the falling ground, enter the first house on the right with a car in the driveway. Enter the front door to find the file on the floor.

    2. Mission 2: Brave New World: After shooting down the two enemy helicopters, you will get on a vehicle and arrive at the HQ. Go to the the third floor to find the file on a table below the terminals on the wall (the door to the balcony will be on the right).

    3. Mission 3: No Man’s Land: Once you reach the area with the yellow crane after controlling your dog for the second time, continue forward until you enter a gray building to find the file on a desk, below the hanging monitor.

    4. Mission 4: Struck Down: After breaching into the baseball locker room, immediately turn left to find the file.

    5. Mission 5: Homecoming: At the beginning of the mission, after entering the first building and reaching stairs, turn left before going up to find the file on the desk in that room.

    6. Mission 6: Legends Never Die: After getting past the flooded streets and entering a new interior through a wrecked walkway, kill the two enemies, then go to the desk where they were standing to find the file.

    7. Mission 7: Federation Day: After cutting the window to make an entrance, go left as you enter the first hallway. Then, enter the first open doorway on the left to find an office with the file on a desk inside, in the back right corner.

    8. Mission 8: Birds Of Prey: When you enter a room where Rorke is waiting later in the mission, quickly grab the file on the desk before the mission transitions into another part.

    9. Mission 9: The Hunted: After the crash landing sequence, you will eventually meet up with your lost squad again. In the area you find them, follow the stream of water on the left up to a waterfall. The file is on a rock to the left of the stream, near the waterfall.

    10. Mission 10: Clockwork: At the beginning of the area where you must use night-vision goggles and fight through the security checkpoint, look down the hallway to see the file through the window.

    11. Mission 11: Atlas Falls: After entering a chamber where you are ordered to interact with the control room, before deactivating the regulators, look on the right to find a side room with the file inside.

    12. Mission 12: Into The Deep: When the LSC is destroyed, you will have to escape sinking debris, and eventually reach a shipwreck. Immediately when you reach the enemy ambush, swim to the ocean floor to find file on a rock.

    13. Mission 13: End Of The Line: Once you reach a silo and are ordered to take a picture, after going through the door with “Mantengase Alejado” on it, immediately go down the stairs on the left, and turn left at the bottom of the stairs to find the file.

    14. Mission 14: Sin City: After going through the large mall and reaching the slot machines, an ally will lift up a shutter for you to crawl through. Then, turn left to find the file on a table next to the couches.

    15. Mission 15: All Or Nothing: Immediately after the mission begins and you put on the ghost mask, turn around to find the file on one of the lower bunks, in the left row.

    16. Mission 16: Severed Ties: After launching the rockets, an ally will lead you downstairs and open a door. After going through the doors, go down the hallway on the right, and enter the first door on the left to find the file on a terminal in the corner.

    17. Mission 17: Loki: After there is an explosion and you float through a tube, you will enter an open area in space. The file is floating in mid-air to the right of the large bronze solar panel.

    18. Mission 18: The Ghost Killer: When the mission begins, immediately turn around, and look to the right to find the file on a red tool chest, near your vehicle.

All intel locations in “Devastation” DLC

Search the indicated locations to find all intel in Mayday (Extinction mode) in the “Devastation” DLC and get the “Inquisitive Mind” trophy. There are two types of collectibles that can be found in Mayday.

Classified intel

This type of intel is randomly obtained from searchable items, and their locations change during every playthrough. You will need to collect a total of five of these types of intel to unlock them. Only one player can pick it up, and it will automatically unlock the intel in order. Any area can contain intel items. You can easily collect this type of intel by playing solo in the first area, and then dying during the first drill section.

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Encrypted intel

This type of intel is permanent laptops that can be found throughout the Mayday map in the following locations:

    1. Sleeper Agent: Drill the upstairs door in the first area. Then, shoot out the window, walk onto the pipe, and follow it to the left to find the laptop.

    2. Encrypted: The laptop is on the balcony close to the Tesla/HypnoTrap schematics table after clearing the tentacle.

    3. Witchcraft: The laptop is in the middle of Area 2 on top of some crates. Use the crates to jump to the top.

    4. Mutiny: After entering the indoor area on the top deck, the laptop can be found at the back of the room behind the large cyclindrical column.

    5. The Guardian: In the final area, the laptop is on the opposite side of where you enter on the walkway.

Note: You must complete Mayday to unlock the Epilogue intel. You can view your intel progress in the Extinction main menu, and there is a tracker available in the top right corner of the screen showing how many items you have collected.

All intel locations in “Onslaught” DLC

Search the indicated locations to find all intel in Nightfall (Extinction mode) in the “Onslaught” DLC and get the “Undiscovered Truths” trophy. There are two types of collectibles that can be found in Nightfall.

Classified intel

This type of intel is randomly obtained from searchable items, and their locations change during every playthrough. You will need to collect a total of six of these types of intel to unlock them. Only one player can pick it up, and it will automatically unlock the intel in order. Each area contains between one and two intel items. You can easily collect this type of intel by playing solo in the first area, and then dying during the first drill section.

Encrypted intel

This type of intel is permanent laptops that can be found throughout the Nightfall map in the following locations:

    1. Treason – Area 2: After entering Area 2, use the stairs on the right side, and follow the balcony around to find the laptop on the ground.

    2. Security Breach – Area 2: From the entrance, go to the left side to find a container with a fire trap next to it. Jump on the fire trap, then onto the container. While holding your pistol, run towards the nearest rooftop. Jump towards it, and press [Action] to climb up. The laptop is on this roof near some fencing.

    3. Exfil Denied – Area 3: After entering the facility, there is a small booth on the left side, with some crates next to it. Use the crates to get on top of the booth to find the laptop.

    4. Sabotage – Area 3: After entering the facility, use the large ladder to reach the third story on the outside of the area. Follow the scaffolding around the perimeter, then jump over the broken section to find the laptop on the ground.

    5. The Ark – Final Area: During the final Boss battle, run all the way across the area from where you enter to reach a small toll booth. The laptop is on the ground inside the toll booth.

Note: You must complete Nightfall to unlock the Epilogue intel. You can view your intel progress in the Extinction main menu, and there is a tracker available in the top right corner of the screen showing how many items you have collected.

Easy “Carbon Faceprint” trophy

In Mission 7: Federation Day, towards the end of the mission, you will rappel down a building. It will be the third time you rappel in this mission. It is after you turn off the elevators to stop enemy forces from closing in on your position. Once you interact with the rope, do not do anything else, and simply wait for a couple of seconds. The photocopier will fall straight onto your face, and you will get the “Carbon Faceprint” trophy.

Easy “Cog In The Machine” trophy

At the beginning of Mission 13: End Of The Line, quietly kill the first five enemies by yourself, without being seen or heard. Kills from your teammates do not count. You can shoot enemies with your silenced weapons to remain undetected. The first kill will occur automatically when you jump down a ledge. The second enemy is in the train yard. The third enemy is with three other enemies. Wait until your teammates arrive and shoot either one of the enemies. Your team will take out the rest. The fourth and fifth enemies are behind the gate that your teammate opens for you. Prone and kill both of them quickly before your teammates kill them for you.

Easy “David & Goliath” trophy

Approximately halfway through Mission 12: Into The Deep, you will have to use a torpedo to destroy a warship. While guiding the torpedo, you will automatically be using thermal vision and can see a red area on the side of the ship. Hit this red area to destroy the LCS and get the “David & Goliath” trophy.

Easy “Deep Freeze” trophy

At the end of Mission 10: Clockwork, you will have to escape an enemy facility. While one of your teammates is driving, you will gain control over a grenade launcher turret. There will be a lot of vehicles chasing you. Instead of shooting at them directly, shoot a little bit in front of them to blow a hole into the ground. If they drive over it, the vehicle and its crew will become incapacitated, which counts towards this trophy. Do this to eight different vehicles before reaching the end of the mission to get the “Deep Freeze” trophy.

Easy “Egg-stra Devastation!” trophy (“Devastation” DLC)

Destroy the four hidden hive eggs in a public match in the four maps in the “Devastation” DLC. After destroying an egg, it will be saved to your process. You can then quit the match, if desired. After destroying the four eggs, load Mayday (Extinction mode), and destroy a hive to get a 10,000 XP bonus and the “Egg-stra Devastation!” trophy. The four eggs can be found in the following locations of the four maps:

    Behemoth: Look for a small rectangular balcony in the north-western edge of the excavator walkway. Look west from that area at the underside of the excavator platform on the western boundary of the map to see the egg on one of the railings below.

    Collision: Go to the southeast side of the map, and stand on the right edge of the boat. Look to the right of the destroyed bridge to see the egg attached to the bottom right of the pillar, where the waves are crashing into it.

    Ruins: The egg is inside a tower located outside the boundaries of the map. To get a good view of it, go to the second floor of the ruins along the eastern edge, and look south through the window to see the tower. The egg is hanging from the roof.

    Unearthed: Go to the large circular structure in the lower southwest corner of the map. There is a huge stone pillar sticking out of it. Keep going around the railing surrounding the stone pillar and looking down until you see the egg in the crevice below.

Easy “End Of Your Rope” trophy

At the beginning of Mission 15: All Or Northing, you will have to clear the flight deck of enemies. Then, you will have to pick up the Osprey targeting control. As soon as you pick it up, enemies will start attacking the ship from the side. They will come in dinghies and throw grappling hooks on the ship. Wait until an enemy starts climbing the rope, then cut it with your knife to get the “End Of Your Rope” trophy.

Easy “Fly-by-wire” trophy

Shortly after Mission 16: Severed Ties begins, you will see a prompt on the screen that says “Press Triangle to switch to guided rounds”. Once you see this prompt, attack helicopters will arrive. Simply do as instructed and switch to guided rounds to shoot down all three helicopters and get the “Fly-by-wire” trophy.

Easy “Grindin'” trophy

Towards the end of Mission 11: Atlas Falls, you will have to use a console to regulate the pressure of some valves. It is part of the story and cannot be missed. There will be three bars on the screen. You need to keep them in the middle, so they are colored green. Use the Left Analog-stick to move the bars up and down to keep them in the green zone. It does not matter if they drop to the yellow zone briefly, just as long as you bring them back to the green zone quick enough.

Easy “It Came From Below!” trophy

During Mission 6: Legends Never Die, there are three different locations where you can kill enemies while underwater. The water is just waist-deep, so you have to crouch, and then kill enemies with your knife. It is recommended to play on the “Rookie” difficulty when attempting to do this to make it as easy as possible. Enemies will still be shooting at you when you go underwater, and you have to get really close to them to perform knife kills. Just run up to the enemies standing in water, crouch, and use the knife to kill them to get the “It Came From Below!” trophy.

Easy “Jack-pot” trophy

In Mission 14: Sin City, you will reach an egyptian casino. A lot of enemies will ambush you in this area. Destroy all slot machines in this area by shooting their screens. At the end of the casino is a gate that one of your teammates will raise for you. Go under it, and you will reach a broken escalator. Before you walk down the escalator, look to the opposite side of the room to find five more slot machines. Destroy their screens to get the “Jack-pot” trophy.

Easy “Jungle Ghosts” trophy

In Mission 9: The Hunted, you must complete the entire mission without ever being spotted by an enemy to get the “Jungle Ghosts” trophy. In the first part of the mission, you are on your own. Stay to the left side of the area, and watch the radar. Nearby enemies will be shown with red dots on the radar. You can kill any necessary enemies. Always stay crouched to avoid being noticed. In the second area, you will see some burning rubble. Move slowly, and stay to the left side again until you reach your team. From this point on, you will only need to follow your teammates and do exactly what they tell you to do. If you are spotted at any point, just restart the checkpoint, and try again.

Easy “Liberty Wall” trophy

In Mission 2: Brave New World, after defeating the enemies at the gas station, you will have to fight your way through an old sewer. Once you reach the end of this area, you will be attacked by two helicopters. The first (smaller) helicopter will fly away after a short amount of time — so take it down quickly. There are several MAAWS rocket launchers on some crates. Grab one of them, and when shooting, keep aiming at your target to guide the missile. Shoot down both helicopters using the rocket launcher to get the “Liberty Wall” trophy.

Easy “Piece Of Cake” trophy

Play Mission 11: Atlas Falls on the Veteran difficulty. After using the grapnel gun, you will have to kill a lot of enemies and go to the common room. You will then have to breach the door. After the door has been breached, throw all your flashbangs and frag grenades to kill the enemies inside. Make sure to not waste any grenades before reaching this room, as you will need them all. If you do not kill all enemies with your grenades, you can simply let your teammates kill the rest of them. If you get hit at all, restart the checkpoint, and try again.

Easy “Sleeping Beauty” trophy

In Mission 7: Federation Day, after uploading the virus in the server room, you will have to rappel down the building. There are two enemies on a balcony. Kill them first to avoid being detected. Two floors below that balcony is an enemy sleeping in a chair. Shoot him through the window to get the “Sleeping Beauty” trophy.

Easy “Sprinter” trophy

This can only be done in Extinction mode. You first must destroy all 12 hives to unlock the computer that initiates the exfiltration countdown. The computer will spawn right next to the last hive, and all players have to activate it simultaneously. You will then have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to get back to the helicopter in the starting area. Meteorite barricades will block your way, but they will automatically fall apart after 30 seconds, and there are only two of them. You will also be attacked by many Rhinos. They are heavily armored — so use armor breaking ammo to kill them. Fully upgraded sentry guns are very helpful, as they distract and damage the Rhinos. If your health gets low, deploy fully upgraded armor vests. Armor can be especially useful if you are running and a Rhino attacks you from behind. Make sure all players have armor vests in their loadout to avoid going down.

Easy “They Look Like Ants” trophy

At the end of Mission 17: Loki, you will be controlling weapons from space. You can see the exact blast radius when aiming. The ammo is unlimited, so you can shoot as often as desired. Kill the foot soldiers first, and then destroy the main targets. Make sure to carefully kill all enemies before destroying the final target. Do not aim anywhere near the allies or they will die. If you think you may have accidentally killed allies, immediately restart the checkpoint, and try again.

Easy “Tickets Please” trophy

In Mission 18: The Ghost Killer, after killing the first enemies, you will be attacked by several helicopters. Shortly after this, the grapple guys will climb up the train. There are four of them, but you only need to kill two of them to get the “Tickets Please” trophy. You must kill them before they reach the top of the train. If you fail to do this, restart the checkpoint, and try again.

Easy “Waste Not” trophy

During Mission 4: Struck Down, you will have to use the remote sniper four times. You cannot miss these opportunities, as they are required to progress in the mission. Only fire when your crosshairs turn yellow. It will be a guaranteed hit. In the first sequence, you must kill at least one enemy, and your team will do the rest. In the second sequence, you must take out four enemies with rocket launchers. In the third sequence, you must clear an airfield, and kill several enemies. In the fourth sequence, you must kill the three enemies that fire their MGs from vehicles. If you miss a shot, you can pause the game and restart the checkpoint at any time. Even if you restart, you will still get the “Waste Not” trophy.

Easy “You Wish” trophy (“Nemesis” DLC)

Ancestors will spawn in Exodus (Extinction mode) after certain generators are started, and there will also be three at the end of the mission while defending the final area. Make sure to pick up a Hypno Knife, which will randomly spawn in one of the green crates. Once an Ancestor spawns, use an overcharged shot from an NX-1 Disruptor to disable its shields, and then throw the Hypno Knife at the Ancestor to get the “You Wish” trophy.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Federated (Platinum): Earn all available Trophies for Call of Duty Ghosts.
    Ghost Stories (Bronze): Escape. (Complete “Ghost Stories” on any difficulty).
    Spatial Awareness (Bronze): Kill your first enemy in the Call of Duty Ghosts campaign.
    Brave New World (Bronze): Rendez-vous in Fort Santa Monica. (Complete “Brave New World” on any difficulty).
    Liberty Wall (Bronze): Take down both attack helicopters.
    No Man’s Land (Bronze): Make it to San Diego. (Complete “No Man’s Land” on any difficulty).
    Blimey O’Riley (Bronze): Pounce on 10 enemies whilst controlling Riley.
    Struck Down (Bronze): Find Ajax. (Complete “Struck Down” on any difficulty).
    Waste not (Bronze): Every shot with the remote sniper hits a person or vehicle.
    Homecoming (Bronze): Defend LA. (Complete “Homecoming” on any difficulty).
    Go Ugly Early (Bronze): A-10 strafe 50 enemies.
    Legends Never Die (Bronze): Hunt down Almagro. (Complete “Legends Never Die” on any difficulty).
    It Came from Below! (Bronze): Kill 6 enemies with the knife while underwater in “Legends Never Die”.
    Federation Day (Bronze): Gather intel on Rorke. (Complete “Federation Day” on any difficulty).
    Sleeping Beauty (Bronze): Kill the sleeping guy in face down rappel section.
    Carbon Faceprint (Bronze): Catch Photocopier with your face.
    Birds of Prey (Bronze): Capture Rorke (Complete “Birds of Prey” on any difficulty).
    Burn Baby Burn (Bronze): Destroy 80 Fuel containers.
    The Hunted (Bronze): Make it out alive (Complete “The Hunted” on any difficulty).
    Jungle Ghosts (Bronze): Finish the mission without breaking stealth.
    Clockwork (Bronze): Hack the system (Complete “Clockwork” on any difficulty).
    Deep Freeze (Bronze): Drop 8 vehicles into ice holes.
    Atlas Falls (Bronze): Distract the Federation Fleet. (Complete “Atlas Falls” on any difficulty).
    Grindin’ (Bronze): Completing the console section on first attempt.
    Piece of cake (Gold): Storm the common room and kill everyone without taking damage on veteran.
    Into the Deep (Bronze): Destroy the enemy ship (Complete “Into The Deep” on any difficulty).
    David & Goliath (Bronze): Take down the LCS on the first go.
    End of the Line (Bronze): Storm the factory (Complete “End of the Line” on any difficulty).
    Cog in the machine (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies without being detected before infiltrating Black Zone.
    Sin City (Bronze): Plan your next move (Complete “Sin City” on any difficulty).
    Jack-pot (Bronze): Destroy 21 slot machines.
    All or Nothing (Bronze): Gather the troops (Complete “All or Nothing” on any difficulty).
    End of your rope (Bronze): Cut a grappling hook rope with enemy on it.
    Severed Ties (Bronze): Destroy the Federation’s satellite array (Complete “Severed Ties” on any difficulty).
    Fly-by-wire (Bronze): Take out helicopters with remote missile 3/3.
    LOKI (Bronze): Commandeer the enemy space station. (Complete “Loki” on any difficulty).
    They look like ants (Bronze): Destroy all enemy ground targets and kill no allies with the rods.
    The Ghost Killer (Gold): Confront Rorke (Complete “The Ghost Killer” on any difficulty).
    Tickets please (Bronze): Shoot the grapple guys off the side of the train.
    Audiophile (Bronze): Collect all 18 Rorke files.
    Safeguard (Bronze): Complete round 20 in safeguard.
    You’ve earned it (Gold): Earn the mask. Finish the campaign on Veteran.

Additionally, there are nine secret trophies:

    No Man Left (Bronze): Escape with all four players.
    Sprinter (Bronze): Reach the exfil chopper with 1 minute and 30 seconds or more remaining on the clock.
    Made it Out Alive (Bronze): Escape 1st time.
    Completionist (Bronze): Complete all Extinction challenges and escape.
    Cabin Fever (Bronze): Make it to the cabin.
    City Dweller (Bronze): Made it to the city.
    Trash Picker (Bronze): Scavenge 40 items in a single game.
    Throttled Escape (Bronze): Escape using a relic.
    Any Means necessary (Gold): Get 50 kills with the electric fence and fire traps in a single game.

The following trophies require the “Onslaught” bonus downloadable content:

    Pushing Ahead (Bronze): Gain access to the Compoung area in Nightfall.
    Weapon Facility (Bronze): Gain access to the Facility in Nightfall.
    Survived Nightfall (Bronze): Kill the Breeder for the first time in Nightfall.
    Speed Slayer (Bronze): Kill the Breeder in less than 5 minutes in Nightfall.
    Turnabout is Fair Play (Bronze): Kill 50 Cryptids with the Venom-X weapon in Nightfall.
    Nightfall Completionist (Silver): Complete all challenges and kill the Breeder in Nightfall.
    Throttled Survival (Silver): Kill the Breeder while using a Relic in Nightfall.
    Phantom Exterminator (Bronze): Kill 5 Phantoms in one game.
    Pea Shooter (Bronze): Kill a Rhino with only a pistol in Nightfall.
    Undiscovered Truths (Bronze): Find all the intel hidden in Nightfall.
    Egg-stra XP! (Bronze): Complete the Egg-stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Onslaught DLC package.

The following trophies require the “Devastation” bonus downloadable content:

    The Belly of the Beast (Bronze): Reach the cargo area in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Come Up For Air (Bronze): Reach the top deck in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Survived Mayday (Bronze): Kill the Kraken for the first time in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Upping the Ante (Silver): Kill the Kraken using a Relic in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Mayday Completionist (Silver): Complete all Challenges and kill the Kraken in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Inquisitive Mind (Bronze): Find all of the Intel in Mayday.
    Deforestation (Bronze): Kill 15 Seeder Turrets in one game in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Big Game Trapper (Bronze): Use a hypno trap to turn a Rhino friendly in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Egg-stra Devastation! (Bronze): Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Devastation DLC package.
    The Architect (Bronze): Successfully build all of the Schematics in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

The following trophies require the “Invasion” bonus downloadable content:

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    Targets Acquired (Bronze): Get past the first gate in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    A Bridge To Somewhere (Bronze): Extend the bridge in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Escaped Awakening (Silver): Escape Awakening for the first time in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Twice The Fun (Silver): Escape Awakening using two Relics in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Awakening Completionist (Silver): Complete all Challenges and escape Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Spelunker (Bronze): Find all of the Intel in Awakening.
    Dog Fight (Bronze): Kill a Gargoyle with the Vanguard in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
    Egg-stra Awakening! (Bronze): Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then scan an obelisk in the Invasion DLC package.
    Like A Glove (Bronze): Kill 5 cryptids with the Ark attached to every compatible weapon in Awakening in RegularHardcore.
    Well Rounded (Bronze): Escape Awakening with each of the four classes in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
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