Capcom announced today the details surrounding the next installment of DLC for Resident Evil 5. Called Desperate Escape, players will take on the roles of Jill valentine and Josh Stone as they escape the Tricell facility to “assist Chris and Sheva in their final showdown with Albert Wesker.” Desperate Escape will launch on March 3 rd in North America for Xbox 360 and on March 4 th for PS3. I f you haven’t picked up Resident Evil 5 by now, you might want to wait till March 9 th , when you can get the game plus a download token for both Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape – Mercenaries content will also already be included on the disc – for $49.99. Press Release: You’ve seen the horrors of LOST IN NIGHTMARES. You’ve seen Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar in new costumes fighting for their lives in THE MERCENARIES REUNION. Now join Jill Valentine and BSAA Agent Josh Stone as they escape from the Tricell facility in DESPERATE ESCAPE, the second downloadable episode for RESIDENT EVIL 5. Recently freed of a mind control device, a fatigued Jill Valentine has collapsed. Awoken by BSAA agent Josh Stone, Jill and Josh work together to escape from the Tricell facility under the darkness of night. Fighting off unrelenting waves of enemies in heart pumping blockbuster action, Jill and Josh race to assist Chris and Sheva in their final showdown with Albert Wesker. Simultaneous with the releases of DESPERATE ESCAPE and LOST IN NIGHTMARES, new costumes for Chris (Heavy Metal) and Sheva (Business) will be made available, allowing the player to experience RESIDENT EVIL 5 with a fresh new look and feel through both game play and cut-scene playback. Chris and Sheva in these new costumes as well as Josh Stone will also be playable in the refreshed THE MERCINARIES REUNION. Along with the two previously announced characters, Chris (Warrior) and Sheva (Fairy Tale), these are the first five of eight characters announced as playable in THE MERCENARIES REUNION. Each with their own unique weapon load-outs, these new characters provide additional challenges as the player aims to shoot down as many enemies as they can within a limited time. Chain together your kills, extend your time and rack up points. Featuring the most extreme weapon selections, THE MERCENARIES REUNION provides hours of new strategy induced kill sprees. DESPERATE ESCAPE, LOST IN NIGHTMARES and all new playable characters for THE MERCINARIES REUNION will be available via a RESIDENT EVIL 5: GOLD EDITION that will include the original game plus all additional content. The ultimate RESIDENT EVIL5 experience, RESIDENT EVIL 5: GOLD EDITION will be available for $49.99 as a single Blu-ray disc for the PLAYSTATION 3 or as a DVD with a token for the downloadable content for XBOX 360. |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.