



ConBots – Console Robots*

ConBots – Console Robots*


ConBots is the ultimate battle between the PS2 and the Xbox.

No more talking smack about what console is, or was, the best in its day. Put those old consoles into the ring and let them battle it out once and for all.

ConBots is a new gaming concept that allows you to turn your old PS2 or Xbox into a remote-controlled batting robot. For less than fifty dollars, you’ll receive a conversion kit that includes wheels, weapons, and wireless controls for the console of your choice. No further mods may be performed, as both consoles will be evenly matched with the provided kit. Battles are about skill, not expensive armor or weapons.

ConBot battles will take place in sanctioned arenas for professional and amateur competitions. But they can also be staged locally in halls and parking lots. Sanctioned events are recommended so competitors can compete for cash, which will come in handy for purchasing more consoles and kits. Cable channels such as Discovery, History, and National Geographic are bidding for the rights to a ConBot series.

A conversion kit allows each console to move omni-directionally, thanks to pivoting ball-bearing wheels. A small high-powered electric motor drives each console. Disk trays protrude and retract, helping to pummel opponents into submission. The data for the actual game is stored on a serrated metal disk. Spinning at high revolutions, it’s used for sawing into the other ConBots’ weak spots. The bout ends when only one ConBot is left operational. Being flipped, running out of battery power, or actually being destroyed disables opponents.

“This is a fantastic use for old consoles,” exclaims co-inventor Orson Buggie. “Most of these old machines are in storage, collecting dust. You can find these consoles in pawnshops and at garage sales for cheap. We’ve spent a lot of time making sure both machines are equally matched, so it doesn’t matter which one you buy. It’s all about the skill level.”

ConBots also includes a virtual training and combat video game to simulate future real-world battles. Independent coaches are being licensed in various cities to give hands-on experience and intense training to potential competitors. The ConBots company expects the battles to be big business where the best competitors can walk away with millions of dollars in a season.

“We think ConBots is going to be the biggest thing since NASCAR,” Buggie claims. “Right now we’re focusing on video game consoles, but we’ve got plans for home appliances, beer kegs, landmines, school busses, and Saskatchewan grain elevators. If we can fit wheels on it, then we can roll it down the highway to Hell.”

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