Cruis’n Exotica
Glide car
Get 2,200 miles to unlock the Glide car.
Heavyliftin’ (forklift)
Get 5,000 miles to unlock the Heavyliftin’ (forklift).
Formula 2 car
Get 100,000 miles to unlock the Formula 2 car.
Cooler car
Win all races in challenge mode, including the drag races to unlock the Cooler car.
Lil Lightnin’ car
Win all races in free style mode to unlock the Lil Lightnin’ car.
Cars and modes
Win all races in challenge and free style modes, complete cruis’n exotica mode twice, and get 40,000 miles to unlock the Heavyliftin’, Lil Lightnin’, Jalopie, Bad Mobile, Hunkajunk, Skidmarks, G-Ride, Cooler, Piewagon, Boxcar, Scrapin’ By, and Glide cars. Four more of the fastest cars that can also be unlocked are the Formula 2, Whiplash, Rail, and Rocket. You will also unlock Wacky and Insane modes.
Quick start
During the pre-race countdown, hold A to accelerate until “Set” appears. Then, tap A a few times and hold the button again. If done correctly, you car will get a faster start when “Go” appears.
Note: You must have a 3.0 or higher version of the Game Shark to use these codes.
Enable Code (Must Be On) | F1047A00 2400 |
Unlock All Cars | 8104F10E 001C |
Unlock Exotic Mode | 810BE7F0 0100 |
Infinite Continues | 8107F850 00FF |
Infinite Time | 810802D4 4296 |
Faster Timer | 810802D6 0000 |
Have All Gold Medals 1st Tracks & 1st Car | 810BE7F4 FFFF |
Have All Gold Medals 2nd Tracks & 2nd Car | 810BE7F6 FFFF |
Have All Gold Medals 3rd Tracks & 3rd Car | 810BE7F8 FFFF |
Have All Gold Medals 4th Tracks & 4th Car | 810BE7FA FFFF |
Infinite Nitros P1 | 800BE7FD 00FF |
Always Place First P1 | 81065174 0000 |
Stop Elapsed Time P1 | 810802D8 3C80 |
Start on Lap Modifier P1 | D0065176 0000 81065176 00?? |
Always Place First P2 | 810653D8 0000 |
Stop Elapsed Time P2 | 81081960 3C80 |
Start on Lap Modifier P2 | D00653DA 0000 810653DA 00?? |
Always Place First P3 | 8106563C 0000 |
Stop Elapsed Time P3 | 81082FE8 3C80 |
Start on Lap Modifier P3 | D006563E 0000 8106563E 00?? |
Always Place First P4 | 810658A0 0000 |
Stop Elapsed Time P4 | 81084670 3C80 |
Start on Lap Modifier P4 | D00658A2 0000 810658A2 00?? |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.