



Destiny Population Explodes

Destiny Population Explodes

Destiny is not losing any momentum whatsoever, and that’s really impressive. With PS4 bundles flying off the shelves, the success of The Taken King , and the holidays right around the corner, we can expect the game and its community to continue to grow.

Activision reported in its earning report that over 5 million newly registered users started playing the game from May to August, which means that there are now over 25 million registered users. It also reported that the average player spends 3 hours a day playing, which is unbelievable. Even if we say that 5 million of those registered users are casual or nonreturning players, we’re still looking at an average of 60 million collective hours spent playing Destiny daily. It’s also the most watched console game on Twitch. Taking all of this into account alongside Destiny’s popular commercials that have aired during prime time viewing windows and received millions of views on YouTube, I think it’s safe to say that Destiny has received more exposure than any game in history, and it’ll be a tough one to top in the future.

Source: Gamespot

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