



Destiny to Focus More on Free Events in Year 2

Destiny to Focus More on Free Events in Year 2

Destiny’s first year was a packed one. The game saw two DLC packs ( The Dark Below and House of Wolves ), and a ton effort on the part of Bungie culminated in the release of Destiny’s first, massive expansion, The Taken King. It was a taxing year for the developing and marketing teams and Bungie, and it looks like they’re not going to try to cram in as much for year two. Instead, Bungie wants to focus more on special events to keep players engaged.

Designer Derek Carroll spoke with Eurogamer during the PlayStation Experience, saying, “With Taken King we are moving to a more event-based model – things like Festival of the Lost and Sparrow racing, which is our winter event, and then smaller events such as Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris every weekend. Rather than doing these giant, monolithic DLC packs, this way everybody who’s an owner of Taken King can enjoy these things.” As these events will be free, the team over at Bungie is hoping that the cosmetic items made available during the events, which may be purchased with real-world money, will make up for any losses sustained as a result of not pushing out a couple of DLC packs leading up to the next expansion, due fall of 2016.

Source: Kotaku

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