



Destiny’s Next Chapter Invites N00bs Along for the Ride

Destiny’s Next Chapter Invites N00bs Along for the Ride

Destiny is a massive game. Initimidating too, given how many people have probably been playing the game since launch with set groups. People might have trouble jumping in now, since others would be over-leveled and they might have heard weird things about quirks like voice acting. However, The Taken King is going to change that.

Destiny ‘s The Taken King expansion is going to be huge for the game and bring in plenty of beginners. First of all, because it’s huge, shiny, and new. People love new things. The base game’s content might have originally given people pause, especially since someone would always have to play online, but knowing there’s an adventure that could end up being almost twice as big as the original game waiting is a great draw.

Especially since Destiny The Taken King will be very kind to new players. There’s an all new quest framework for the missions from the first year, so they’ll proceed in a fashion that makes more sense. Strike lists will be simplified, so people aren’t bombarded with multiple mission options. There’ll only be three, with Vanguard Legacy covering the old, Vanguard Marmoset offering the new, and Vanguard Ursa offering a mix of the two that provide engram rewards and legendary marks. A simpler experience system that doesn’t entirely discard the Light gear system from Destiny will help people get more comfortable too.

Which isn’t to say existing players who may have forgotten about Destiny will be left out. The Taken King is going to bring them back in droves. There’s a new Dreadnaught location, a King’s Fall raid, eight Crucible maps, extra Crucible playlists, a new story mission, three more questlines, some new Strikes appear, plus there are three subclasses called the Nightstalker, Sunbreaker, and Stormcaller for the Hunter, Titan, and Warlock classes. It’s a lot to do. Given that there’s no monthly fee to play, it’d be easy for someone who loved Destiny once to come back, try to hit that new level 40 cap, and do all of the new things.

Destiny’s Next Chapter Invites N00bs Along for the Ride

Which is a win for everyone. People who once loved Destiny will want to come back for all additional content. They’ll want to enjoy the new raid and maps with friends, and hunt down all of the additional equipment. Especially that gun that’s split into 50 parts on the Dreadnaught. Those who never left will see all of these additions in the expansion as a reward. As for the newcomers, everything combined will provide too many incentives to ignore. The promise of so many things will make Destiny: The Taken King irresistible.

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