



Disney Acquires Ignition Entertainment

Disney Acquires Ignition Entertainment


Disney has recently announced that it has acquired UTV Software Communications, and along with it Ignition Entertainment, the company who brought us El Shaddai. The India-based development company will now fully fall under Disney’s roof, and UTV CEO Ronnie Screwvala has now been named managing director of Disney India. He will now report to Andy Bird, the Walt Disney International chairman.

What does this mean for Disney or Ignition Entertainment in the future? It’s too early to tell, but it’s possible that Disney is looking to reach out to the hardcore audience. Then again, being that they shut down both Black Rock and Propaganda Games last year, both known for their hardcore titles, this may not be the case.

So Disney owns both Marvel and Ignition now eh? Does this mean we might see some sort of X-Men/El Shaddai/Mickey Mouse crossover? We can only hope.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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