



DLC Inbound for Both Left 4 Dead Titles; 'The Passing' Detailed

DLC Inbound for Both Left 4 Dead Titles; 'The Passing' Detailed


Valve announced that DLC for Left 4 Dead 2 will be released shortly. ‘The Passing’ is set for launch on PC and Xbox 360 in March.

As we’ve known for awhile now, the add-on will help fill in the gaps between Left 4 Dead and the sequel. What’s news is that the additional play time will bring with it a new infected enemy: The Fallen Survivor.

These survivors thought they were immune to undeath, but they ended up falling anyway – sucks to be them, especially when we take a shotgun to their dome-piece. The good news is that their death ensures our survival; health and ammo drops will make them valuable targets. Additionally, ‘The Passing’ will include all-new arenas for Survival, Versus, and Scavenge modes. Also, G4TV reports that a new co-op challenge mode called Hot will make its debut.

For those of you who haven’t picked up the latest L4D, in favor of sticking with the original, CVG makes mention that Valve has revealed that a parallel DLC that bridges the two games will be available for the first entry in the series too.

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