Add-ons are an important issue in the gaming world, as well they should be. They’re extra bits of a game that people often have to pay for. This means there’s a constant question as to whether or not the extra content is worth the money, as well as if it is really necessary. It’s constantly being called into question in every game that includes it. Yet, with 2K’s Mafia III , we have a title that might just have one of the most balanced add-on plan out there.
Mafia III has DLC. There’s no question as to whether or not it would. This is a large scale, open world AAA game. Like Mass Effect and Fallout 4 , it’s the sort where the end doesn’t feel like it would have to be the end. There are ample opportunities for Lincoln Clay, our antihero, to enjoy additional adventures. Which means 2K and Hangar 13 could have gone above and beyond when it comes to charging us for things, but instead practicality reigns.
The three paid Mafia III add-ons are all full-on expansions. Each one has a storyline attached to it, which adds a new place tied to the quests you’ll be taking, as well as vehicles, equipment, and races tied to them. These are themed encounters, taking us all through another part of Lincoln’s life. They’re truly supplemental, since none of the stories has anything to do with his quest to bring down the Italian mob. They all just happened to occur during that same period of time. If someone wants Faster, Baby!, Sign of the Times, or Stones Unturned, they’ll absolutely learn more about Lincoln or New Bordeaux, but they won’t miss out on anything essential to the story.
That doesn’t mean the free DLC adds some earth shattering revelations. Rather, they’re minor add-ons that don’t really matter. Want your car to look a little different, with new paint jobs or rims? That’ll be added in a free update. Want Lincoln to look a little different? Those extra outfits won’t cost you anything. Think the standard weapons look a little bland? An update will class them up. Want to do a little more racing around the city? Those extra races will be gradually rolled out so you have a reason to revisit areas. They’re things so small you shouldn’t have to pay for them, so Hanger 13 and 2K aren’t making you pay for them.

It’s a very even distribution method. The free DLC could have very easily been released in paid bundles. Other games have done that. 2K and Hanger 13 aren’t. Instead, it feels like those smaller updates could be used to keep Mafia III on people’s minds for when those bigger, paid updates appear. The freebies may even endear the game and its creators to us, making us more likely to spend money on it.
Really, it’s one of the most balanced means of distributing DLC this year. 2K and Hangar 13 still get to make money off of Mafia III add-ons . They can trot out a season pass, which people can take advantage of if they’d like. But, people don’t feel like they’re having to pay extra for every little bonus. There are freebies being sent out as little tokens of goodwill. It’s a good way to keep people coming back to the game and perhaps considering an actual paid update with a meatier experience.