



Double Dragon II Wanders Onto XBLA

Double Dragon II Wanders Onto XBLA


Outed by a German content rating in months past, Double Dragon II, formerly known as Double Dragon II: The Revenge, is getting a rerelease on the Xbox Live Arcade. Rerelease, though, is a bit of an understatement. The re-subtitled “Wander of the Dragons” will be completely redone with 3D graphics in place of its classic sprites, surely upsetting some fans of the Lee brothers’ second outing.

Drawing comparisons to Turtles in Time: Reshelled, this reworked title will feature a new and, one can only hope, improved “modern” combo system, while still retaining the classic side-scrolling beat’em up structure and famous special moves of its progenitor. The best news, however, is that while this title is based on the arcade version of Double Dragon II, it includes some of the extra content that was found in the NES version, such as a helicopter ride. Less exciting: that sequence, and others, now incorporate quick time events. Shenmue, what hast thou wrought?

Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons will be out on the XBLA in September for 1200 Microsoft Points.

Source: Co-Optimus

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