



Double Dragon: Neon Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Double Dragon: Neon Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Double Dragon: Neon


Robot Form costume

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At the level selection screen, hold LB + LT + RB + RB + Back + Start + click Left Analog-stick + click Right Analog-stick to unlock the Robot Form costume without the extreme power-up. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Secret level

In Level 7: Some Kind Of Lab, punch the heavy bag in the glass cell where you start 87 times until a chime sounds. After a few seconds, your head and others will be replaced with Yoshihisa Kishimoto’s face.

Fuzz Face

Set Fuzz Face free by dodging seven times between the two tombstones next to the ladder in Level 6: Assault Zone. Fuzz Face will now follow you and occasionally drop Dragon Kick and batteries.

Dragon mode

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Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty to unlock the Dragon difficulty.

Double Dragon mode

Successfully complete the game on the Dragon difficulty to unlock the Double Dragon difficulty.

Concept Art Gallery

Successfully complete the game to unlock the “Concept Art Gallery” option at the main menu.

Secret area

After becoming a Ro-Bro in the final level, move to the left until reaching the left side of the screen, then move down. You will descend a hidden ladder and find an area with extra lives and two chests.

Double Dragon 2 Billy Lee Gamerpic

Press Start at title screen to unlock the Double Dragon 2 Billy Lee Gamerpic.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Skullmageddon’s Curse (1 points): Nyah ha ha! Now finish what you have started!
    Bone to Pick (5 points): Hit Skullmageddon with a hair pick
    A Boo Boo (5 points): Knock Abobo into a pit
    Fuzzface!! (5 points): Befriend everyone’s most favoritest helpful character!
    Metal Head (5 points): Upgrade a song at the Tapesmith
    Put Your Heads Together (5 points): Grab two enemies at once!
    Tossin’ on Air (5 points): Grab an enemy out of the air 10 times
    Is That a Quarter? (5 points): Knock Williams into a pit
    Weapon Master (5 points): Use every weapon once
    Bro-merang (5 points): Catch a boomerang thrown by your bro!
    The Key to Victory (5 points): Defeat an enemy by unlocking his potential
    Jawsome!!! (5 points): Expose the twin bulbs simultaneously
    Gleam On! (10 points): Dodge and get the Gleam 50 times
    Mr. Perfect (10 points): Complete any level without taking any damage
    Cultured (10 points): View all pages of the concept art gallery
    You Did What!? (10 points): You got 50,000 on Double Dragon!?
    High Fidelity (10 points): Max out a single song to level 50
    This Channel Sucks (10 points): Break all of the Skullmageddon monitors in the Rocket Dojo
    Grand Slam! (10 points): Defeat 4 enemies with a single bat swing!
    Are You Awake? (10 points): Win an airlock battle without attacking
    Pick a Winner! (15 points): Nail all enemies with the hair pick
    Victory! (19 points): Defeat Skullmageddon!
    Audiophile (20 points): Collect one of each mix tape song
    Misters Perfect (20 points): Complete any level in co-op without taking any damage… with friendly fire enabled!
    Later Ro-bros! (20 points): Beat every level as a Ro-bro
    Tone Deaf (25 points): Complete the game without using any Sosetsitsu!
    Double Dragon (40 points): Finish every stage cooperatively on Double Dragon difficulty with friendly fire enabled!
    Max Fidelity (50 points): Max out every song to level 50!!
    Single Dragon (50 points): Finish every stage solo on Double Dragon difficulty!

Additionally, there is one secret achievement:

    A Foot Face? (5 points): Become the hidden idol!
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