



E3 2008: Ubisoft Makes Serious Push into the Girl Gamer Demographic

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E3 2008: Ubisoft Makes Serious Push into the Girl Gamer Demographic


Ubisoft Gives ‘Tweens Ener-G.  The n ew girls’ sports brand brings team spirit to Nintendo DS.

July 15, 2008 – Today at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, Ubisoft unveiled its all-new Ener-G series of video games for the North American market. Created for girls ages 6 to 14, the first games in the Ener-G series feature dancing, gymnastics and horse riding, three fun and physical activities that emphasize social interaction.

The No. 1 independent publisher for Nintendo DS, as well as the industry leader in the ‘tween girl category, Ubisoft’s foray into the girls’ sports market supports the company’s strategic expansion of its casual Games for Everyone division.

“In 2007, the market for video game software for girls exploded, and Ubisoft’s Imagine(TM) and Petz® video game series for Nintendo DS were huge drivers of that success,” said Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing, North America, at Ubisoft. “This year, Ubisoft is furthering its leadership in the category with the launch of Ener-G, a new girls’ sports brand dedicated to providing ‘tweens with an immersive way to play sports, socialize and network with their friends. Now, girls will have more ways to play than ever before.”

Ener-G Dance Squad puts girls in the role of choreographer, letting them create their own routines and compete alone or with a team.

In Ener-G Gym Rockets, girls get the chance to live the life of a young gymnast training her way through competitions in hopes of winning a gold medal at the Olympics.

Fulfilling every little girl’s dream of having a pony, Ener-G(TM) Horse Riders lets players create their perfect equine farm, complete with wild horses that can be tamed, trained and ridden.

With an expected rating of E for Everyone by the ESRB, the first three Ener-G titles will be available in the U.S. this October.

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