If there’s one thing that can be said for the trailer for Death Stranding , it’s that it is very Kojima. What does it all mean? Mr. Kojima expounded upon the meaning of the game’s title and the trailer imagery via Twitter. It was then translated to English by his personal assistant and the Kojima Productions official account. Here’s what he had to say:
“The phenomenon that groups of Whales/Dolphins being beached is called mass stranding. It says LIVE STRANDING if they are beached alive whereas it calls DEATH STRANDING when they are dead. In this title’s case, it means SOMETHING has been stranded from SOME WORLD. However, “strand” has other meaning, it’s “thread” in psychological terminology. The process of adapting one’s characteristics/sociality is represented as the process of twisting thinner thread becoming thicker rope. It can also mean chain or bonds. The title of this game has those 2 meanings, stranded and rope.”
“In our teaser we featured the ‘connecting strands’ of handcuffs/umbilical cords and also stranding of whales. Of course, there are also other hints in there. The ‘dog tags’ being one of these. Our game is still far from being released but the ‘game’ has already begun. What are you able to spot?”
In less philosophical news, Kojima has confirmed that Death Stranding is not a replacement for the cancelled Silent Hills game. If he had to pin a genre on it, it would be closer to the action genre in which Metal Gear is found, but it won’t be a stealth action title. The character in the trailer (the man, not the creepy baby) will be the player character in the game.
Source: Twitter, DualShockers