



EA Touts Battlefield’s Success Despite Rough Launch

EA Touts Battlefield’s Success Despite Rough Launch

Regardless of its technical woes, EA still maintains that not only was Battlefield 4 a huge success (rivaling powerhouse franchise Call of Duty ), but much of the initial rumblings surrounding its bumpy launch was just “noise.”

In a recent interview, Rich Hilleman (who is Chief Creative Officer at EA) expressed his feelings on how small problems can become overblown due to the size of your fan base. “I think there was a lot of noise about the game, but some of that is a function of your surface area. The more customers you have, the more noise becomes available. We did things wrong. We know that. We’re gonna fix those things. We’re gonna try to be smart about what customers want in the future.” He said.

From the very start, Battlefield 4 was plagued with glitches, bugs and server problems that wreaked havoc online (kind of difficult for a game whose primary component is multiplayer). Hilleman, however, doesn’t feel these issues were enough to poison the well among fans. He states that “…I don’t think most of my customers are willing to say–‘it’s a bad product, I wish I didn’t buy it.’ That’s not the conversation we’re having now. I think what we’re hearing is, ‘You made a game we really liked. We would’ve liked it a little better if it didn’t have these problems.’ Many of those problems we can fix, and we have and will.”

Battlefield 4 is currently available on both next-gen and previous-gen consoles.

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