



ESA President Praises Barack Obama on Cybersecurity

ESA President Praises Barack Obama on Cybersecurity

In light of the recent cyber-attacks that has plagued both late-2014 and early-2015, the importance of our online security has become paramount in recent months (even to those on Capitol Hill).

The President gave his State of the Union speech earlier in the week, touching on this widespread issue which has now been shoved into the public eye as result of groups such as LizardSquad and others. “No foreign nation, no hacker, should be able to shut down our networks, steal our trade secrets, or invade the privacy of American families, especially our kids. We are making sure our government integrates intelligence to combat cyber threats, just as we have done to combat terrorism.” He said.

In response, president to the ESA Michael Gallagher (the organization responsible for putting on E3 each year) praised Mr. Obama, stating he “…applaud President Obama’s inclusion of cybersecurity as a national concern. Illegal hacking and denial of service attacks threaten the U.S. economy.”

The FBI is continuing their probe into the recent attacks, as several individuals allegedly responsible have already been taken into custody. We’ll bring you more as the story developers.

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