



Sony Hires Homeland Security Expert

Sony Hires Homeland Security Expert


Arguably, there are no better security experts than the folks at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Now that hacking and DDOS attacks have been classified as cyber terrorism, it only makes sense that Sony would look to Homeland Security to make their console just a little bit more secure. After this year’s security breach and month-long downtime, Sony probably needs the help.

And so, Sony has hired Phillip Reitinger, a former director of the U.S. Nation Cyber Security Center to help them out. Reitinger has previously worked for both Microsoft and the U.S. Department of Defense, and will become Sony’s new Senior Vice President of Security. Obviously, Sony is hoping that this appointment will make their network just a little bit more secure.

Hopefully these extra security measures will help Sony catch up in the console race. Though millions of new PSN users have signed up since the breach, Sony’s shares have fallen fifty-five percent. Long story short, the players need to know they can trust Sony’s network.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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