



Evolve Has Over $130 of DLC

Evolve Has Over $130 of DLC

OK, so it’s finally time to put this scandal to bed. How much DLC does Evolve really have? Well, if you total everything up you will find that the game has $136 dollars worth of DLC not included in the Season Pass.

Wow… that’s… wow.

All of this DLC is just aesthetic, though. It includes different skins for monsters and weapons, which I suppose could make a small difference when tracking a monster through brush or something, but otherwise don’t affect the core gameplay.

On top of this there is the $25 season pass which will unlock four new hunters sometime in the future, and the $15 Behemoth pack which you might have gotten as a pre-order bonus. So all together we are looking at 176 dollars of DLC on top of a 60 dollar game. So… Evolve is $236 dollars for the complete experience.


Well it’s still a fun game, DLC or no. It’s just a shame that it’s so expensive.

Source: Evolve

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