



Fast Racing NEO Gets Release Date and Pricing

FAST Racing NEO cover

Fast Racing NEO Gets Release Date and Pricing

I’m always keeping an eye on those Nindies. Indie and third-party support for Nintendo going into the future is going to play a major role in the success of the NX and future handhelds, and everyone knows that. The Wii and the Wii U both suffered from a lack of third-party love, but lately Nintendo has done a great job of reaching out to developers and really celebrating the games they’re making. One of those developers is Shin’en, and its futuristic racer Fast Racing NEO finally has a release date and price.

For just $15, you can pick up probably the most anticipated racing game on the Wii U since Mario Kart 8. Fast Racing NEO is said to exist in the same spiritual vein as F-Zero , and since we never got a real F-Zero for the Wii U, this is the next best thing. The game looks incredible, and as I’ve watched videos over the months it’s always looked marginally better each time; Shin’en has really put a lot of heart into this. If you’re feeling the need for speed on your Wii U, pick it up from the eShop on December 10. Check out the trailer – as the logo burst onscreen at the end in sync with that climaxing techno music I was literally fist-pounding my desk in excitement:

Source: Twitter

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