



Feel the Force of the Entire LEGO Star Wars Saga on iOS!

Feel the Force of the Entire LEGO Star Wars Saga on iOS!

If you’re a fan of all the block busting fun that any LEGO title has to offer, then you have to thank the granddaddy of them all, the LEGO Star Wars series, for blazing a trail. Now you can experience the entire saga on your iPhone or iPad!

“Since its debut to console and handhelds in 2007, fans everywhere have enjoyed the award-winning LEGO  Star Wars: The Complete Saga and now they can travel to distant galaxies far, far away as they play through their favorite moments from the films on-the-go.” Reads a recent press release hyping the new handheld edition.

Fans of the Lego series who’ve never had a chance to play the original Star Wars versions are in luck, as you’ll be able to play the entire story mode of Episode 1: The Phantom Menace for free (after which you’ll be required to purchase the remaining modes to unlock them).

Managing Director of TT Games Publishing, Tom Stone, touts the iOS release, saying: “We are very proud and excited to make our acclaimed LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga available to iOS players. With hundreds of character customization options, a plethora of puzzles to solve, and vast worlds to explore, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga for iOS will have mobile gamers enjoying endless hours of gameplay.”

Source: Press Release

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