



Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC Details Revealed

Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC Details Revealed


It was only recently revealed that Final Fantasy XIII-2 would even have DLC support. Its predecessor didn’t have any DLC, despite multiple rumors that said it would be coming. But Yoshinori Kitase, producer and director on XIII-2, has unveiled some DLC details in an interview with Dengeki Playstation, a Japanese magazine. Kitsae said that XIII-2 won’t will have a steady stream of DLC coming out every month. This will include weapons, costumes, new bosses to fight, and new quests to undertake.

According to Kitase, the DLC will be worked into the game world itself. If you want to use that new weapon that you purchased DLC for, you won’t simply find it magically appearing in your inventory after your purchase. You still have to find a monster that drops it or a store that sells it, in classic JRPG style. This will allow the Final Fantasy XIII-2 world to grow as DLC becomes available, vastly increasing the game’s replay value.

Still, the question remains: is it a rip-off to buy a DLC weapon that you may never even encounter over the course of the game? Even worse, what if you can’t ever defeat the boss that holds the weapon? Will gamers purchase quests that they have a chance of never completing?

We’ll have to wait and see how this all plays out. The Final Fantasy franchise still has massive clout in the JRPG world, and these interesting changes are something JRPG fans should definitely be keeping their eyes on.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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