



#GamerGate and Gaming Harassment Inspires Law and Order: SVU Episode

#GamerGate and Gaming Harassment Inspires Law and Order: SVU Episode

It appears as if recent events in the gaming community have inspired the writers for long running and award winning crime drama Law & Order: SVU. A new episode entitled “intimidation game,” dealing with online harassment in the gaming world, is set to air on February 11.

The episode follows fictional female game developer Raina Punjabi. Raina has just launched her first game, and has received a variety of death threats from the “male-dominated gaming community.” She shrugs many of these off, but then a female employee working for Punjabi is assaulted at a gaming convention, and the threats become more and more real. Of course, it is then up to the cast of the show to protect Raina and her employees, and to track down the would-be threat maker.

What do you think about this episode? Do you think they will fairly portray gamers and events in the gaming community? Or do you think this will add fuel to the fire that was ignited last year when #GamerGate was first created? Let us know in the comments.

Source: NBC

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