



GDC 2011: More Infinity Blade Content Coming Soon

GDC 2011: More Infinity Blade Content Coming Soon


Though Infinity Blade is one of the best-selling iOS games of all time, a common criticism of the game is that the gameplay is too repetitive and the campaign is too short. However, at an Infinity Blade panel at GDC, Chair Entertainment said that some substantial updates are coming soon for the game, and that they will add “a ton of new content to the game and expand on some of the themes and story that you’ve already started to see.”

And in even further good news, it was also announced that this and all future updates for the game will be free. This is great news considering the game one of the more expensive iOS-exclusive titles at $5.99. So if you feel like you haven’t gotten your money’s worth yet, hang on, because more Infinity Blade is coming your way soon!

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