



GDC 2011: PlayStation Home Changing

GDC 2011: PlayStation Home Changing


If you are one of the many who wanders around the digital landscape of PlayStation Home on a regular basis, get ready for a big shift in the pixel pavement, as PlayStation Home is getting a major facelift this spring. Version 1.5 of the PlayStation Home software is launching, and if you ever wanted to play multiplayer games in the home space (that you didn’t have to queue up for), then Home 1.5 is going to deliver.

At GDC yesterday, Sony was on hand to show off some of the mini-games that will use a simplistic multiplayer experience in Home 1.5. They promise that the experience will include a full spectrum of arcade-style games, including first-person shooters, racers, and other pick-up and play titles. The first of these planned mini-games, Sodium Two: Project Velocity, is currently being shown off on the GDC floor, so hopefully we’ll have more information on that one soon!

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