The Horde Is Back
We have been waiting for Gears of War 3 for some time now. However, two E3s have passed and we are still seeing only the very beginnings of the Gears 3 experience. At this year’s E3, I was given a two-part Gears tour. First, I was shown an awesome demo that showcased the new discontinuous narrative campaign and co-operative squad based single player combat (half this you already saw on stage during the Microsoft E3 press conference.) Secondly, I was given an introduction into the game’s new and improved Horde Mode. Put it all together and you have more awesome violence than any man can shake his gun-with-a-chainsaw-on-it at.
The demo started with the usual suspects (in this case Marcus and Dom) fighting against the Leviathan—which is better described as a giant angry alien octopus—and shooting this massive lumbering beast in the eye repeatedly. It was then that a Microsoft rep guided Marcus over to a Silverback Mech, and while the demo only had one available for piloting, we were told that the full version of the game will allow both you and your friend to get some battle suit action on.
The Silverback mechanics were actually pretty cool. Players could either pilot the Silverback, allowing them to shoot high-powered guns at their squiddy foe, or they could dismount it and use it at a turret, firing rockets right into its gaping maw. The interesting thing about the Silverback is that it wasn’t only a massive battle suit, it was also a mobile source of cover. One of the most awesome uses of the Mech is planting it, and having both you and your allies crouch right behind it.
After the octopus took enough damage, its eye exploded, and shortly thereafter, Baird and Cole pushed a crate of exploding tickers off a collapsing bridge right into its mouth. This was where the conference demo ended, but it’s where the back-room demo just began. The game then switched to Baird and Cole several minutes before the ticker crate was dropped. They, along with Sam and Carmine, had to traverse a Locust-packed bridge in order to get to the tickers in the first place. The bridge was very high up, and as a nice touch we actually got to see the entire Marcus and Dom mission play out underneath us. Even the dialogue cues were right on time, and we heard everything play out just as it did in the previous demo.
As we pushed across the bridge, we got to use two new Gears weapons, which were both pretty ludicrous. The first was the Vulcan, which may have been the biggest chain gun I have ever seen. It’s a two-man weapon, requiring one man to fire and another to load the ammo. However, if you get a rhythm down, you can basically fire without ever having to reload. The other weapon we got to see was the One-Shot, which people might be familiar with from the multiplayer beta. Basically, it’s a sniper rifle that fires rounds so huge it disintegrates anything it touches.
As the demo came to a close, the crate was pushed over, and, of course, someone somewhere had to die. The bridge collapsed and Baird was hanging on to Sam’s foot for dear life. Before falling he uttered these lines of monologue that had everyone laughing. “I guess now is the time for me to say I always loved you. But I don’t. I really really don’t.”
Everything else we saw was centered around the new Horde 2.0 game mode. Like normal Horde Mode, you are fortifying a position surviving wave after wave of enemy onslaught. However, this time, there are a couple RTS mechanics added to keep you alive and kicking. When you start a Horde round, you have to choose a command post from four to five strategic locations. These act as your primary bases as you weather the onslaught. As an added plus, different command post locations have different advantages and disadvantages so each Horde 2.0 game plays out a little bit differently.
Your command post has a range of influence in which you can build fortifications, and if you do well your range of influence spreads. Fortifications can be anything from simple sandbag walls to turrets coated in razor wire to the Silverback itself. As you kill enemies, you gain cash and experience which can then be spent on upgrading your fortifications or weapons. Even more importantly, upgrades are shared. So if one player has leveled high enough to purchase a Silverback, for example, then all players in Horde Mode have access to the Silverback.
Horde 2.0 has a whole bunch of other features to look forward to as well. There are boss battles, unique waves, smart mobs, and much more. Heck, there are even “mutators” which allow you to alter the Horde Mode in a very Goldeneye-esque way. If you want to fight Locusts with big heads and squeaky voices, Gears has you covered.
Overall, Gears of War 3 did not disappoint at this year’s E3. It’s being called the most anticipated game of the year by many. My colleagues may be looking forward to the game because of its deep strategy and refined mechanics. But for me? Well, one of the mutators in Horde Mode 2.0 lets you add a laugh track to your game. Frankly, I can’t think of anything better than playing Gears of War 3 in Full House mode. Oh Michelle, you are so cute when you load up that rail gun ammo.
Game Features:
The COGs Are Turning
With the closure of the Gears of War trilogy close at hand, Epic Games is making a hard push to ensure its franchise’s future remains bright. From novels to comic books, and even action figures, the name is everywhere. However, the future of Marcus Fenix still remains unclear, but one thing is certain: soon millions will be crowding Gears of War 3 multiplayer servers worldwide. Fans will finally get a peek at four brand new maps coming in mid-April. Luckily, we got a chance to check out a few ourselves, which included Old Town, Mercy, and Trenches.
Old Town felt exactly as its name describes, and oddly enough, it had a semblance to an abandoned Sicilian village square. There were rustic building structures, chickens aimlessly wandering the streets, and bright colors atypical of a Gears of War game. It was a small map, but had a nice back alley choke point that witnessed some great standoffs. Mercy was much larger, and featured an open courtyard with a fountain in the center of the map. It almost lends itself to setup like a football scenario, where both teams were trying to gain control of either side of the field. There were plenty of engaging battles around the fifty-yard line, but it also had plenty of nooks and crannies around the outskirts that featured a hectic skirmish or two. Trenches, on the other hand, was probably the most interesting of the three. It favored close-quarters tactics with its maze-like features, but felt large because of the alternate path choices in its layout. It also had a great overhead view for someone daring enough to stake a claim at the center perch.
Three modes will be featured in the upcoming beta, two of which will be brand new to the series. Team Deathmatch, although familiar in name, will be a first for Gears of War. It’s essentially a revamped version of Warzone, but will now feature a ticket system similar to the Battlefield series. Each team will get fifteen respawns, but the last five will keep players held out a bit longer than normal. By doing this, the developers hope to create more dramatic tension for those nail-biting two-, or three-, on-one scenarios towards the end of the match.
Capture the Leader is an optimization on two previous modes, Submission and Guardian. The objective is to down the leader of the opposing team and hold him as a meat shield for thirty seconds to end the round. The spin on this mode is that whoever assumes the leader role will be semi-invincible. Ultimately, he has to get back to his feet if he hasn’t been picked up after being downed. It’s also worth noting that the ability to get up will be featured throughout all multiplayer modes, which will replace the prolonging of your bleed outs. The last mode available in the beta, King of the Hill, will rework the rule set a bit. There will be a single hill that will rotate to random locations on the map and will also integrate randomized spawn locations.
Considering all the changes they’ve put into their multiplayer game modes, it’s fitting that they’ve overhauled their servers as well. They started to role out the dedicated servers during Gears of War 2, but now they’ll be focusing on a global scale to account for separate ping rates from region to region. In addition to that, the game will also include peer-based matchmaking complete with host-migration. They’ve assured us that if a server ever fails, or is down for maintenance, they want to be prepared. Even something as simple as a host quitting a match early will no longer affect the experience, but will seamlessly migrate the session to another host.
The “experimental” leveling system introduced in the last game will also become more significant this time around. Although it was fairly meaningless in gaining abilities in Gears of War 2, this time it will grant a means of aesthetic customization. Players can gain collective experience though all modes of gameplay to unlock things like weapon skins, medal titles, and character variants. Items like golden armor for Locust characters, or flaming weapons, will all be available once you meet the specific requirements. The most amusing we saw during our time with the game was the “Thrashball Cole” character variant. It was great to see him decked out in full-fledged football gear while shredding the Locust to pieces.
A main focus for the team at Epic was to remain true to the series they created without getting swept up by the hype train. They didn’t want to go all out with adding new features to the game that weren’t needed, but really wanted to hash out the groundwork that was already there. That’s not to say there isn’t anything new. Beast mode will now compliment Horde mode as its counterpart, giving players a chance to experience the Locust on the offensive. There will also be a ton of subtle features to enhance the multiplayer component; like iron sights, swapping weapon sets during a respawn, or viewing an overhead map with weapon spawn points at the start of a match.
Epic Games sounded confident about their remodeled multiplayer setup, and it’s hard to argue. The upcoming beta will be a true test to how they can handle the huge workload that’s headed their way, and fan feedback will be a huge factor in figuring out what works and what doesn’t. So, if you’re going to be a participant, be sure to do your part and remember that it’s not just a demo; otherwise you might be judging things a bit prematurely. Besides, if they fix all your complaints by their release date on September 20th, 2011, you’ll be the only one missing out.
Game Features:
Human vs. Locust: an Epic Battle
The Gears of War series is the third most popular game series on Xbox 360, only behind Halo and Call of Duty. So the forthcoming Gears of War 3 is a big deal. But every time a big name sequel is announced, there’s a tendency for the news to cause a nervous flutter amongst the fans. Will the sequel truly live up to its predecessors? What could a sequel possibly provide that the original could not?
Epic Games keeps these questions in mind as they work to provide a third installment they hope will be worth the price tag. So far, it looks like Gears of War 3 strives very hard to please. Yes, there have been a few delays, but this just means that Epic is working hard to make sure the product that releases is as solid as possible.
Of course this means online play must run smoothly from day one. Anyone who bought Gears of War 2 at release probably still has bad dreams about the sloppy handling of the online modes during those first few awkward days. But Epic has learned from its mistakes, and is doing whatever it takes to make sure that disaster is not repeated. This time around, Gears of War has dedicated servers instead of using the client-server only model found in Gears 2. That’s right. Players are no longer at the mercy of the potentially slow internet connections of other users. This should help keep the lag to a minimum, and will even the playing field, since in client servers, the host will always have an advantage over other players.
Gears of War 3 will include a new gameplay mode called Beast. Remember Horde mode in Gears 2, where you had to fight off wave after relentless wave of Locust? Well, this is the opposite of that. You get to play as various Locust classes and fight off waves of humans. There are tickers, which are basically scurrying suicide bombers; boomers, beefy users of heavy weapons (they like things that go “boom”); berserkers, which can charge enemies with the force of a speeding train; Kantus, the healers; as well as others.
Some of these classes will be locked when you first start the game, but Epic wants to make sure there is a fairly good selection of Locust to play as right out of the gate. The Epic team have expressed their concern about the current state of video games, not liking the fact that you can pay $60 for a game, yet have to spend hours upon hours unlocking things in order to even begin enjoying it. So while there are certain things locked in the beginning, there are enough options open that the game will still be a blast to play before you unlock all of those extra goodies.
The other multiplayer modes are getting revised as well. Annex mode is getting absorbed by King-of-the-Hill, making for a greatly improved version of King-of-the-Hill in which the location your team must hold will change after a set increment of time. Team Deathmatch is being added as well, but with a special Gears twist: each team will be given a limited collective amount of respawns, and once those are used up, dying will knock players out of the match.
There is a new version of the popular Horde mode introduced in Gears 3, but Epic is not ready to talk about it yet. Judging by the improvements we’ve seen already, we have high hopes that the new Horde mode will be at least as satisfying as the old one.
There have been some gameplay tweaks as well. One exciting new feature allows players jumping over an obstacle to kick an opponent on the other side. Epic hopes this will encourage more aggressive gameplay and discourage players from spending too much time cowering behind obstacles.
And story mode is back, of course, offering both solo play and up to four player co-op. The story of Gears of War 3 takes place a year-and-a-half after Gears 2. But don’t worry, if you want to find out what happens during that eighteen-month period, just check out the novel series by Karen Traviss, who is also writing the script for the Gears of War 3 game.
It sounds like Gears of War 3 will give us a satisfying conclusion to the series. In an interview with Spanish gaming website MeriStation, Gears design director Cliff Bleszinski had this to say about the story: “You can expect that we’ll answer the majority of the questions that players have about the history of the world and what’s going on. We’re not going to answer everything, but I can tell you this will be the conclusion to a trilogy.” So, it looks like we’ll be getting some closure with this chapter.
With all the great new features Gears of War 3 boasts so far, it’s definitely bringing change to the Gears series. Whether it’s a positive evolution or a negative one is still yet to be seen, but so far, this game looks like it’s going to be a worthy finale.
Game Features:
An Epic Ending
The Epic gears are turning once again, as Marcus, Dom, and the rest of the crew ready their weapons of destruction for the final chapter in this larger-than-life action saga. The game doesn’t release for the better part of a year, but we’re already excited by what we’ve seen.
Gears of War 3 will wrap up on the planet Sera, and though little has yet been revealed about the actual plot, the game’s design director, Clifford Bleszinski, has hinted that fans can expect the veil to be lifted on many unanswered plot points.
Bleszinski was on-hand at this most recent E3 to show off parts of the game, with various multiplayer modes being the focus of Epic’s presentation. Surprisingly, the mechanics and design of the demo were already extremely polished and enjoyable, so we surmise the bulk of the development team’s time, from now until April, will be dedicated to crafting the story mode and tweaking and balancing the gameplay. As with the past two entries in the series, Gears 3 appears to be a massive undertaking, and Epic certainly seems to be taking their time with it.
One of the biggest new features of the third installment is four-player cooperative play for the story mode. Other games have tried it, but few have delivered a truly engaging experience. With Epic’s track record, however, we’re inclined to believe the package is already signed, sealed, and delivered. It’s more Left 4 Dead than Monster Hunter, and teams will have to pay close attention to everything that’s happening on the battlefield.
Since the game will be set up in a way that requires player 1 to control Marcus, player 2 to control Dom, etc., folks can expect quite a number of gameplay variables depending upon how many human players they have on their team. If Epic manages to piece together a compelling story, Gears of War 3 could offer some serious replay value.
For the first time ever, fans can play as one of at least two female characters, as well as a roster of other fan favorites. Anya Stroud and Jace Stratton have both been confirmed as playable in the game, and additional characters may be on the way as well. The enemy has also added a few new baddies to its ranks, and they’re no mere throwaway creeps.
Shown during Microsoft’s E3 press conference was one especially tough looking mama called the Lambent Berzerker. Able to withstand a direct hit from the Hammer of Dawn, these creatures spawn out of Lambent Stalks. Like the Locust Berzerkers, they charge recklessly at their target, but their great strength, along with tentacles, make them one of the most formidable foes the series has ever seen.
With or without the plot, the series has been steadily evolving to become a viable multiplayer option, with the Horde mode in Gears 2 being a fairly big hit with fans. For Gears 3, the developers are taking that idea and turning it on its head with something called Beast mode. Rather than taking on the role of a COG (Coalition of Ordered Governments) soldier, players get to fill the shoes of the Locust Horde.
Similar to the accelerated RPG elements of DotA (Defense of the Ancients), the Beast mode in Gears 3 will reward players for their skill in battle. As your kill count racks up, you’ll earn tokens you can use to upgrade your character class. Classes range from suicidal Tickers, to brawny brutes like the Mauler. Getting at the real badasses doesn’t come cheap, though, and there’s a limited number of class types available during a given play session. Similar to Horde mode, players will take on waves of human A.I., with an emphasis on working together in order to stay alive.
Gears of War 3 will unfold during the summer season of Sera, so the look of the soldiers has changed. They’ve peeled back a few layers of armor, though we’re not entirely sure how or if that will affect the actual gameplay.
The design palette, however, hasn’t changed drastically, though we’ve noticed a bit more color and variety to the environments. Gears 3 is reported to be using the newly improved Unreal Engine 3 (or 3.5), and though the differences may be subtle, the game is still a gorgeous feast for the eyes. The audio presentation is equally impressive, and it really serves to drive home the notion that games can be every bit as epic as a summer-blockbuster movie.
So, we’re psyched. The first Gears of War was a knockout, and the second installment improved upon the formula in almost every conceivable way. Epic Games seems to be working night and day to ensure that nothing of this human tale is wasted. The first glimpses of the story mode are exciting, and the new multiplayer components will probably be worth the price of admission alone. ComiCon is on the way, and the team promises a few more teases and reveals. So, stay tuned as we draw closer to Emergence Day.
Game Features: