



Halo 4 Gets Official Release Date

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Halo 4 Gets Official Release Date


According to Game Informer, Halo 4 has finally been given an official release date. Master Chief will return on November 6th, 2012. In celebration, you can see a special Halo 4 segment on tonight’s Conan O’Brien show on TBS at 11:00 Eastern Time.

In addition, 343 Industries has revealed several changes to Halo’s multiplayer formula. Not only will the entirety of the multiplayer take place on the “infinity” the same ship that the single-player campaign takes place on, but there will be new RPG elements added as well. Playing the game earns you XP, and earning XP lets you level up. Each time you level up you earn Spartan Points which can then be spent in customizing your loadouts.

There will also be some new armor abilities, such as the ability to see through walls or make a holographic decoy of yourself.

A new free-for-all mode called “regicide” was also detailed. Much like traditional free-for-all modes, killing any player gets you points. However, one player will randomly be crowned “king” and killing this player gives you far more points than normal. So players will attempt to converge on the king and take him out, but since this is free-for-all, you could always ignore the king and simply kill the other players who are chasing him.

Now that Halo 4 is set to come out later this year, we are sure to hear more information from 343 industries soon. Hopefully we will be able to get our hands on a playable demo at this year’s E3.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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