



Hand Of Fate Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 4 (PS4)

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Hand Of Fate Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Hand Of Fate Trophies

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Games Master (Platinum): Collect all trophies.
    Very Lucky (Bronze): Get 15 ‘Success’ or ‘Huge Success’ chance cards in a single session.
    Very Unlucky (Bronze): Get 12 ‘Failure’ or ‘Huge Failure’ chance cards in a single session.
    Master Combatant (Silver): Complete 3 combats in a single run, without taking any damage.
    Quick Reflexes (Silver): Reflect 100 projectiles over multiple play sessions.
    Close Shave (Bronze): Win a combat with less than 5 health remaining.
    Very Brave or Very Stupid (Bronze): Enter a combat with less than 5 health remaining.
    Hunter (Bronze): Land the killing blow on 10 enemies with a trap.
    Slayer (Bronze): Perform 2 prone attacks in a row.
    Ninja (Bronze): Kill an enemy with their own reflected projectile.
    Master of Traps (Bronze): Bash 5 enemies into traps in a single session.
    Champion (Silver): Kill one of each monster type in a single session.
    Well Equipped (Gold): Unlock every equipment card.
    Well Travelled (Gold): Unlock every encounter card.
    Dragon Slayer (Gold): Equip all the Dragon Relic items at once.
    King of the Undead (Silver): Equip all the Skeleton King items at once.
    Arch Mage (Silver): Equip all the Mage items at once.
    Bling (Bronze): Have 10 rings in your inventory at once.
    Combat Ready (Bronze): Have at least 1 of each type of equipment in your inventory.
    Dungeon Master (Gold): Defeat the Dealer.
    Release the Lava Golems! (Bronze): Complete the Fire in the Deep encounter.
    Release the Mages! (Bronze): Complete the Mages encounter.
    Release the Lich! (Bronze): Complete the Lich encounter.
    Release the Minotaur! (Bronze): Complete the Minotaur encounter.
    Humbled (Bronze): Complete all 6 Charity encounters.
    Corrupted (Bronze): Complete all 6 Demon Trader encounters.
    Drained (Bronze): Complete all 6 Blood Auction encounters.
    Pure Enlightenment (Bronze): Possess 10 Blessings at once.
    Wretched Soul (Silver): Possess 10 Curses at once.
    Juggernaut (Silver): Possess 150 or more health.
    Well Supplied (Silver): Possess 120 or more food.
    Wealthy Lord (Gold): Possess 200 or more gold.
    Squire (Bronze): Complete the first level of a play session, without taking any damage.
    Adventurer (Silver): Complete the first 3 levels of a play session, without taking any damage.
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