



Harvest Moon: The Tale Of Two Towns Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Nintendo DS

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Harvest Moon: The Tale Of Two Towns Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Nintendo DS

Harvest Moon: The Tale Of Two Towns

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Note: This game is also titled Bokujou Monogatari: Futago No Mura .

Bonus characters

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

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    Alisa: Raise Nathan’s friendship to two White Flowers by the Fall of Year 2 or later, then walk to the Mountain Summit between 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. on a sunny day.
    Dirk: Walk from the low Konohana mountain area (bare-hand fishing area) to the entrance Konohana area (where Sheng and Kana live) while the weather is sunny all day. You cannot ride a horse between the areas.
    Mikhail: After the 5th of Fall on a sunny day, your town’s mayor will arrive at your house at the beginning of the day with Mikhail to introduce him.
    Nathan: On the 3rd of Winter, the mayor will introduce you to Nathan. He can then be found at the church in Bluebell.
    Oracle: Walk from the Bluebell low-mountain area to Bluebell mid-mountain area after 8:00 p.m. in Year 2.

Bonus animals

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding animal:

    Alpaca: Unlocked in Fall of Year 2.
    Jersey cow or calf: Unlocked in Year 2.
    Owl: Complete the first tunnel upgrade.
    Shetland horse: Complete the three tunnel upgrades.
    Silkie chicken or chick: Unlocked in year 2.
    Suffolk sheep or lamb: Unlocked in year 2.
    Thoroughbred horse: Complete the first tunnel upgrade.

Bonus items

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item:

    Axe: Requested by Sheng in Year 1. 5,000 FP is required to unlocked the request and also 8,000 G and tenbranches are needed.
    Fishing Rod: Received from the mayor on Summer 1 in Year 1.
    Hammer: Requested by Sheng on the 12th of Spring in Year 1. You will need 8 stones.
    Master Rod: Requested by Rutger. You will need 10 old boots and 10 old balls.
    Skateboard: Requester by Oracle in Year 2. You will need 10 old balls and 10 material lumber.
    Snowboard: Requested by Oracle in Year 2. You will need 10 Elli leaves and 10 snow balls.
    Stethoscope: Requested by Ash. You will need 5 milk, 5 egg, and 1,500 G.

Bonus horse carts

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cart:

    Cardboard Cart: Raise Oracle’s friendship to two Flowers and have your Request level at Rank 4 or higher. You will also need one Mythic Ore, five Brown Alpaca Wool, and 30,000,000 G.
    Chicken Cart: Purchased at either Animal shop in Year 3.
    Fancy Cart: Win any Cooking Festival in Year 2.
    Lion Cart: Purchased at either Animal shop in Year 3.
    Shrine Cart: Win any Cooking Festival in Year 2.
    Sled: Have the Shrine Cart and the Fancy Cart, have the tunnel between both towns reconnected, then win a Cooking Festival in Year 2.
    UFO Cart: Raise Oracle’s friendship to two Flowers and have your Request level at Rank 4 or higher. You will also need one Stone Tablet, five White Alpaca Wool, and 19,771,116 G.
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