



Has Battlefield Become a Yearly Event?

Has Battlefield Become a Yearly Event?

Call of Duty fans have come to expect a new entry into their favorite FPS franchise each Fall, as part of their yearly tradition. With the back to back releases of Battlefield 4 and Hardline coming 12 months apart, is EA following suit?

Patrick Söderlund (who is Executive VP at the studio) says no. In a recent interview, Söderlund shoots down this notion, stating that “The EA that I’m trying to help build isn’t an EA that needs to annualize everything.”

At last week’s E3, many were surprised that we received such an in-depth look at what was cooking behind the scenes at EA (with many titles being showcased in their early stages of development). This was no accident according to Söderlund, as he says it represents a “change in their philosophy.” Instead of wasting valuable resources on a great looking demo, he states the company wants to “…show people how we are slightly changing how we’re developing products. Maybe in the past we would have gone for a full vertical slice of the game. You would’ve played that and it would look great. But we would have spent a lot of money getting there, quite often to realize that the game wasn’t what it needed to be. And then we would toss that work away.”

Their latest title, Battlefield: Hardline , will hit all the next-gen consoles and PC on October 21 st .

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