Homefront: The Revolution has received a May 17 release date, which naturally means its time for the pre-order and limited edition announcements. The game’s going to have a Goliath Edition, for people who have $159.99 to spare, though those who are willing to commit to the $59.99 purchase ahead of time will get something special too.
First, the Homefront: The Revolution Goliath Edition gets its name for the drone included in the bundle. It’s a remote-controlled Goliath for you to enjoy. There’s also a 32-page art book, a steelbook case, a pass that will give you access to forthcoming DLC, the Revolutionary Spirit DLC that adds a Red Skull motorcycle skin, gold pistol skin, and unlocks the Marksman rifle, sniper scope, and remote explosives in co-op. A copy of the game comes with too, of course.
When it comes to pre-order DLC, there are a number of options. Every pre-order gets the aforementioned Revolutionary Spirit DLC. People who pre-order a digital copy also get the Liberty Pack, with Liberty Body Armor and KPA Shock Trooper Helmet for co-op. Amazon gives a Wing Skull Pack with a Wing Skull motorcycle skin and silver pistol skin. Best Buy provides a steelbook case. GameStop includes a Guerilla Care Package with five Resistance Crates and a Combat Stimulants pack.
It looks like GameStop might offer the best incentive for Homefront: The Revolution . Having those care packages might be really nice. Though, getting a steelbook to hold the game could be cool.
Source: GameSpot