



Humble Indie Bundle #3 Hits The Net

Humble Indie Bundle #3 Hits The Net


The first two Humble Indie Bundles were pleasant surprises, collections of titles from independent developers both prominent and unknown. This tradition continues with the third bundle. Now available at the Humble Bundle website, the Humble Indie Bundle #3 consists of five titles: Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight, and And Yet It Moves. The titles have a combined value of approximately $50.

But what do you pay for this most humble of bundles?

Whatever you’d like. As with its predecessors, this Humble Indie Bundle is a name-your-own-price endeavor. Furthermore, the money you pay will be divided between the developers, Humble Bundle Inc. itself, and two charities. Those charities, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play, both have strong ties to the gaming community. This is not, however, an even split. Each customer may choose how much of his or her money goes to each organization, donating all or none to charity.

Of note: not only does VVVVVV include a level editor and a Notch-designed level, but the Minecraft creator himself has paid $2000 for the bundle. While you shouldn’t feel obligated to match him, there’s no harm in applauding his generosity.

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