



inFamous 2 Hero Edition Spotted

inFamous 2 Hero Edition Spotted


The sequel to the blockbuster hit inFamous is getting some special edition love with its fall release. Examiner.com reports that Amazon.com recently posted a “Hero Edition” of inFamous 2, which was later pulled down.

According to the now non-existent listing, the Hero Edition included a voucher for exclusive downloadable content (including character skins and special powers), a miniature version of DC Comics inFamous issue #1, the official inFamous 2 soundtrack, a replica of Cole’s messenger bag, and an 8.5 inch statue of Cole. The package was priced at $100.

Given the series’ emphasis on the effects of the player’s choices, we’re left wondering whether or not there’ll be a ‘Villian Edition’ as well. Stay tuned to cheatcc.com for more as it develops.

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