One of the most anticipated PS4 games is Infamous: Second Son , but unfortunately, this tale of slum superheroes wasn’t a launch title. Luckily, we won’t have to wait too long in order to give the game a spin. At the official Sony PS4 launch event, Sony announced that the game would come out on March 21, 2014. The game was originally slated to come out sometime in February 2014 , so it’s only a slight delay.
Infamous: Second Son was one of the first games shown off for the PS4 this year. The game takes place seven years after Infamous 2 and follows Delsin Rowe, a new 24-year old conduit who has a serious problem with authority. Delsin has the power to control smoke and embers, including the ability to turn into smoke, burn people who touch him, and more. It is currently unclear as to whether or not former series protagonist, Cole McGrath, will factor into the plot.
We will bring you more information on the release of Infamous: Second Son as it becomes available.
Source: PS4 Launch Event
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.