



Infinity Ward Likes Competition

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Infinity Ward Likes Competition


EA’s publicity campaign for Battlefield 3 has been a targeted offensive against their single biggest competitor, Activision, and its flagship shooter franchise, Call of Duty. CEO John Riccitiello has expressed a desire for the super-popular series to “rot from the core.”

Interesting, then, that Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin wants to see the success of not only Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, but also of EA’s Battlefield 3. “When both games succeed,” he said, “it’s better for the industry as a whole. It’s not just us—we want the gaming industry to succeed because the better the gaming industry does the better we all do. We root for everybody.”

It’s an interesting attitude in light of an industry that has, in the past decade, seen a shift toward studies concentrating on solitary blockbuster titles, generally shoe-horned into a single genre. Or, more pointedly, the EA acquisition of the NFL license, allowing Madden to be the exclusive purveyor of licensed NFL football and creating a monopoly that has, some would say, led to a decrease in the developers’ ambitions.

By Shelby Reiches

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