



Karaoke Revolution: Volume 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

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Karaoke Revolution: Volume 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

Karaoke Revolution: Volume 2

All songs

At the “Press Start” screen, press Square, Triangle, Down, Left, Up, Right, L2, R2, Start. Note: You cannot save the game when this code is enabled.

All venues

At the “Press Start” screen, press Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Left, Down, R2, L2, Start.

All characters

At the “Press Start” screen, press Up, Square, Right, Circle, Square, Left, Circle, Up, L3, R3.

All costumes

At the “Press Start” screen, press Up, Circle, Left, Square(2), Down, Circle, Right, R3, L3.

Banana microphone

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press L1(2), R2(2), Right, Down, Circle, Left, Up, Square.

Dwayne doll microphone

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press Circle, R2, Square, L1, R1, L2, Square, Up, Circle, Square.

Toothbrush microphone

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press R1, L1, R2, L2, Right, Left, Down, Up, Circle, Square.

1UP T-shirt for Dwayne

At the “Press Start” screen, press R3, Circle, Square, R3, Down, Right, Left, Up, Square, Circle.

Electronic Gaming Monthly T-shirt for Dwayne

At the “Press Start” screen, press Down, R3, Right, L3, R3, Down, L3, Left, Circle, Up.

G4 T-shirt for Kazz

At the “Press Start” screen, press Up(2), L3, Down, Left, Right, R3, Right, Circle, Square.

GamePro T-shirt for Bobbi

At the “Press Start” screen, press Down, R3, Up, R3, L3, Down, L3, Up, Down, Square.

Game Star T-shirt for Ishani

At the “Press Start” screen, press Up, R3, Right, R3(2), Left, R3, Down, Circle(2).

Game Informer T-shirt for Angela

At the “Press Start” screen, press Down, L3(2), R3(2), Circle, Right, Square, L3, R3.

GameSpy T-shirt for Dwayne

At the “Press Start” screen, press Down, R3, Circle, L3, R3, Down, L3, Square, Circle, Square.

GMR T-shirt for Aneeka

At the “Press Start” screen, press Right, Left, R3, Left, Up(2), L3, Down, Circle, Square.

Harmonix t-shirt for Ishani

At the “Press Start” screen, press L3, Circle, Up, Circle, Square, L3, Down(2), R3.

IGN T-shirt for Raphael

At the “Press Start” screen, press Up, R3, Right, L3(2), Up, Left, Up, Square, Circle.

Konami T-shirt for Dwayne

At the “Press Start” screen, press Right, R3, Right, R3, Square, Right, Circle, Square, Down, Left.

Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine T-shirt for Gibson

At the “Press Start” screen, press Down, L3, Up(2), Left, Right, Down, R3, Circle, Square.

Play Magazine T-shirt for Naoko

At the “Press Start” screen, press Up, R3, Up, Down, Right(2), Left, L3, Circle, Square.

PSM T-shirt for DeVron

At the “Press Start” screen, press Left, Right, Left, L3, R3, Down, Up, Up, Circle, Square.

Tips & Tricks T-shirt for Ishani

At the “Press Start” screen, press R3, Square(2), Down, Circle, L3, Square(2), Up, Left.

Big head character

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press Down(3), Up, R1, L2, R2, L1, Circle(2).

Small head character

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press Right(2), Up(2), L2(2), R2, R1, L1.

Big eye character

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press Square(4), Circle, Down(2), R2, L2, R1.

Glass character

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press Square(2), Circle, R2(2), L2, Down, Right(2), Up.

Mercury character

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press Circle, L1, R2, Up(2), Left(2), Square(2), R1.

Oil slick character

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press L2, R2, L2, R2, Square, Down, Circle, Up, Left, Right.

Wraith character

At the “Cheat” screen or while playing the game, press R2, Left, R1, Right, Up(2), Square, Circle, Down, L2.

Tough crowd

At the “Cheat” screen, press Right, Up, Circle(3), R2, R1(2), L2, Down.

Pirate crowd

At the “Cheat” screen, press Square(2), Left(2), R2, L1, R2, R1, Circle, L2.

Robot crowd

At the “Cheat” screen, press Circle(2), Right(2), R2, R1(2), R2, Circle, R2.

Zombie crowd

At the “Cheat” screen, press Left, L1, L2, Square(2), L2(2), L1, Left(2).

Animation gender swap

At the “Cheat” screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, L1, R1, Square, Circle, R2(2).

Bonus options

Successfully complete all songs in Showtime mode to unlock cheat options such as Small Head Character, Big Eye Character, Banana Microphone, Toothbrush Microphone, and Dwayne Doll Microphone.

Successfully complete all songs in Showtime mode with all “Gold” ranks to unlock cheat options such as Big Head Character, Glass Character, Oil Slick Character, Mercury Character, Wraith Character.

Successfully complete all songs in Showtime mode with all “Platinum” ranks to unlock cheat options such as Tough Crowd, Pirate Crowd, Robot Crowd, Zombie Crowd.

Successfully complete Showtime mode to unlock bonuses that include The Dude, Helga, Sorrow, Vox, and Joe as playable characters; multiple alternate costumes for Ishani and Dwayne; The Garage, The Wagon Wheel, and HMX Records locations; Rich Girl, I’ve Got You Under My Skin, and Virtual Insanity songs, and the Wavegroup Sings, Harmonix Sings, Playtesters Sings, and Konami Sings FMV sequences.

Easier songs

You can trick the game by humming, rather than singing, at the correct pitch.

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