



Keiji Inafune’s First Post-Capcom Project Released

Keiji Inafune’s First Post-Capcom Project Released


If you are interested in what the father of Mega Man is doing these days—we are talking about Keiji Inafune, not Doctor Light—then be prepared for some weirdness. Inafune’s first post-Capcom game, The Island of Dr. Momo, launched yesterday in Japan on the GREE social gaming platform. It’s basically an Android-exclusive parody of The Island of Dr. Moreau .

The idea is to mix and match animal parts—and sometimes plant parts or parts off your car—to create hybrid mutant beasts. You do this by fusing eggs together and hatching them. Your goal is to create the cutest beast, and you get closer to this goal by breeding mutant abomination after mutant abomination. Then, of course, you can trade creatures, eggs, and materials with your friends to concoct even crazier experiments.

Yes, it’s weird. Still, I wouldn’t mind picking it up, if only to support the guy who brought us Mega Man.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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