



Red Ash Gets Console Stretch Goal

Red Ash Gets Console Stretch Goal

Comcept and Keiji Inafune have added new stretch goals to their Kickstarter for Red Ash , the spiritual successor to Mega Man Legends . At one million dollars, the game will get a console port to one system and one system only. What system? They don’t know, so they will be polling fans if they manage to reach that goal. At 1.5 million dollars, they will add new story content to the game in two new episodes.

Unfortunately, it looks like Inafune’s well might be running dry. While the Kickstarter has 25 days left to go and they are only looking for $800.000, they have only earned slightly over $300,000 at time of writing. This is very unlike Mighty No. 9 ’s Kickstarter, which was fulfilled in a matter of days and went well over its goal. While making their goal is certainly within the realm of possibility, I sincerely doubt that they will be looking toward very many stretch goals. Not only that, but since only one console is getting the port, this could lead to many people pulling their funding at the last minute if their console of choice isn’t chosen.

I can’t say that I agree with the way this is being handled, but I still certainly hope that Red Ash gets off its feet. We need more Inafune in our lives.

Source: Kickstarter

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