



Luke Cage Falls onto Netflix in Autumn

Luke Cage Falls onto Netflix in Autumn

Netflix is killing it when it comes to comic book-based TV shows. Daredevil was amazing, Krysten Ritter killed it as Jessica Jones , and we can’t wait to see Michael Colter dominate the small screen in Luke Cage . But until now, we didn’t know when Luke Cage’ s run would begin. That changed at the Daredevil season two premiere. Colter confirmed his show will be added to Netflix on September 30.

Colter, who you may recognize as Locke from Halo: Nightfall , first began portraying Luke Cage in Jessica Jones last year. His own spin-off was soon confirmed, and he’ll also be playing the character in The Defenders .

This means only two of the Netflix Marvel Cinematic Universe series are unaccounted for. Iron Fist and The Defenders don’t have launch dates yet. Daredevil season 2 begins on March 18, and a second season of Jessica Jones is in development.

Source: Comic Book

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