



Top 8 Marvel Games We Want Next

Top 8 Marvel Games We Want Next

One of the biggest news stories of 2017 has been Marvel and Square Enix finally teaming up to make videogames instead of overpriced action figures. With Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal on a project based on The Avengers , our gears are turning on what else could come from what could be a multi- game partnership. Here are a few suggestions that probably have no chance in the world of coming to fruition, but are certainly fun to think about.

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Square Enix likes to do weird things on occasion, and Moon Girl and Dinosaur is the perfect oddball Marvel property for a wacky, character-driven action game. A genius-level little girl teamed up with a cool-ass dinosaur? Yes please. That has open-world, smashfest brawler with a few pacing-oriented puzzle sections written all over it.

Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 would be a great fit for a Japanese studio under the Square Enix umbrella. It’s not clear whether or not this partnership is only about the Western studios, but that’s what this list is for. Give Big Hero 6 to the folks responsible for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles . That license is tailor-made for multiplayer.

The Defenders

The Defenders

This one’s the no-brainer. Take whatever formula ends up being in place for the Avengers , then scale it down, ground it a bit and, probably, up the grit a touch. The stars of the Netflix-brand Marvel shows are perfect for the kind of worlds Eidos Montreal has built in the past, and who wouldn’t want a AAA brawler starring Daredevil, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones?

Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy

Sure, Telltale is already working on this license, but there’s no reason not to double-dip. Guardians of the Galaxy is the hottest Marvel property that isn’t the Avengers , and some kind of wild, sci-fi epic featuring different levels of space combat could be the fun, B-level Mass Effect nobody knew they wanted. Plus, it could have Dave Bautista in it, and that would rule.

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

This one is cheating a little, but we all want to see Marvel presence in Kingdom Hearts 3 . Even if it’s just some Avengers stuff, seeing Tetsuya Nomura’s cutesy take on Captain America alone would be worth it. Being able to summon the Hulk or basing an entire section of the game on as much Marvel fan-pandering as possible would be the ideal, of course.



Sure, Insomniac is working on a standalone Spider-Man joint for Sony already. But what about the whole Spider-Verse? Marvel is sitting on a goldmine of material there, and all the company has done with it is a goofy summer comics event and mobile game. Let’s take it to the next level with an RPG. The comic was all about Spider-Men from different dimensions taking on a family of ancient vampire-type villains. Even that could make a fun game, if done well by a company like Square Enix.



This one is probably tied up in all kinds of licensing issues, but the world needs a good, new X-Men game. It’s been too long since X-Men Legends was the Cool New Thing in superhero games, and we all know what Activision did with the property afterwards. Give it to Square Enix, don’t bother with movie stuff and don’t center it around Wolverine. That’s a recipe for greatness.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

My kingdom for someone, anyone in the world to do something worthwhile with Ghost Rider . The IP was severely damaged by Fox, although I maintain the second movie has its merits, and being moved to Agents of Shield probably didn’t do it any favors. Johnny Blaze deserves better! C’mon. I’ll never get the Castlevania -inspired Ghost Rider I see in my dreams, but something from a Square Enix developer would be a decent enough consolation.

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